I am going to post a story that is raising a tremendous amount of - TopicsExpress


I am going to post a story that is raising a tremendous amount of questions here at SDU. I saw a blurb about it, but did not realize the most basic implication of the story until it was explained to me. Now its going national. From Pro Football Talk Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah followed in the footsteps of many other players on Monday night when he celebrated his interception return for a touchdown by going to his knees in prayer. Unlike those other players, Abdullah was penalized for going to the ground under the league’s rules for unsportsmanlike conduct. The only difference between Abdullah and the other players was that Abdullah is Muslim and his prayer therefore looked a bit different than what we’ve seen from others, although that didn’t make it any odder since the NFL doesn’t have rules governing which deity their players are permitted to offer thanks to after a touchdown. The NFL we have learned has come out and contradicted the ruling on the field. They are only doing that because of the backlash. That does not change what happened SDU. For all intents and purposes, the Ref flagged a player for acknowledging a higher power, even those players ALL OVER the NFL do it all the time. All the time. The rule states that a player cannot celebrate on the ground, and even though they did not specify it, that evidently extends to Muslims as well. but SDU, some of us wonder if the referee DID recognize what he was seeing. If he did, that begs the question. WHO IS THE NFL TO JUDGE HOW A PLAYER SHOWS RESPECT TO GOD? Even more so, Why does the NFL care so much about celebrations? The NFL is entertainment, and TD celebrations play into that. What do you make of all this SDU?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 17:39:30 +0000

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