I am going to post a summary of day 2 Daily Walk - TopicsExpress


I am going to post a summary of day 2 Daily Walk devotional....really need to get this book for study because there is a good insight on the scripture. But here we go with the summary....Genesis 3 - 5 From a perfectly created environment being shattered because deception from Satan was listened to instead of the command God said not to eat from the tree of good and evil. This is the choice I see he gave us so we can learn what is right and wrong. The only rule was broken when the fruit was eaten and caused death of man. The result of sin bore a child who was a murderer (Cain) of which paved the way of judgment on wickedness from our Creator. Chapter 3 Entrance of Sin from Adams rebellion Chapter 4 Fruit of Sin thru Cain evil line Chapter 5 Fruit of Faith thru Seths Godly line The one who falls into sin is a human; the one who grieves at sin is a saint; the one who boasts of sin is a fool. Buying a product that was the miracle product that does not live up to what it was meant to be reminds us of Satan who oversold the fruit to Eve thru deception. The result ended in pain, bitter disappointment and being kicked out of the garden. This is when we need to resist the devil and his deceptive pranks on us. So when we say, If it feels good it must be right, or Everyone else is doing it so it must be okay, or If you havent tried it, you cant know what your missing, or It wont hurt to do it just once. All these thoughts are deception entering into sin when it is the wrong thing to do. Instead use James 4:7 in Resisting the devil so he will flee from you. Insight is real good....Compare Genesis 3 with Matthew 4:1-11 and you will notice an interesting fact. Satan tempte Jesus in the same 3 ways that he tempted Eve (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life; 1 John 2:16) But in Jesuss case, Satan failed on every count! 1 John 2:16New Living Translation (NLT) 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:51:45 +0000

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