I am going to put the agenda in a main post so its easier to read - TopicsExpress


I am going to put the agenda in a main post so its easier to read and edit! Agenda Meeting to discuss the following issues:- Human rights abuse after signing consent form to be a volunteer in medical trial Chemo therapy overdose and subsequent side effects in particular drafting care plans based on lies and deception created to cover up Ms Angela Narbey’s unlawful deed. 1) Why was I treated so utterly disrespectful as volunteer for your medical research as the agreement was that people would be in touch and keep me fully informed of any development. As I gave a signature to consent to being a volunteer there is a break of contract 2) Why was it acceptable to tell me right up to begin of April that the trial had not started yet? 3) Why was is acceptable for me to find out that I had been remove from the list of volunteers by telling me there was never any intention to offer me any treatment and that there are no intention to offer any treatment in future unless my liver nearly fails. This is an extremely cruel way to make a volunteer aware that they are not need after all. 4) Was I made to available for this medical trial long after it had started? 5) Was Ms Angela Narbey part of the medical research team? 6) Did Ms Angela Narbey have control of choosing the volunteers in any way? 7) If Ms Narbey is part of the research team how can you justify that after having see the evidence I have provided? 8) Why did Dr Philip Harrison decide he did not want to be my consultant anymore and why was I not informed of the change of consultants? 9) Why is there this total indifference when a treatment of volunteer for medical research results in the patient feeling like they are perceived as subhuman? 10) Why is acceptable to put my son and particular my daughter under enormous stress because I volunteered for a medical research and please keep in mind I am the only family that my son and daughter have that supports them in their struggle through life. There is only the 3 of use here in the UK and mny son and daughter certainly have not done anything wrong either to have to suffer what they have and suffering watching their mother treated in the most undignified manner possible on top of all the abuse and neglect. 11) Why is it acceptable that there has been clearly an incident of serious medical negligence in relation to this chemo therapy overdose, that undeniable was an overdose, that is then covered up with lies and deception as well as intimidating the patients with various forms of abuse including neglect and psychological torture using corrupt medical record. 12) Why is it acceptable to draft any future care plan based on deceptions and lies that have been created to cover up the incident with that chemo therapy overdoes! 13) Why is it acceptable to expect of me to have suffered a chemo therapy overdose that I should be silent about it and move on without a single question answered, keeping in mind I have still not fully recovered from it, if only just for that constant loud noise in my head that I suffer from since and makes it hard to concentrate and tires me out easily besides the fact that I can’t ever have real silence anymore and music doesn’t sound as nice anymore either but I am denied medical for it because that would mean admitting something has been permanently damaged. 14) Why do absolutely refuse to communicate in writing with me and does that mean I could never communicate in writing with any of your staff even if these issues are resolved? 15) How can I be sure Ms Angela Narbey will never ever have anything to do with my medical care not even in the background, as I have written a letter to Dr Brown just before I was referred to Kings hospital pointing out that I deem it as medically unethical for Ms Narbey to have anything to do with my medical care and I have every reason to suspect that Ms Narbey is a member of the medical trial team and very possible the reason why I was removed from the volunteer’s list in this totally undignified and horrific way. 16) Have there ever been any complaints about my conduct at Kings College hospital over the last 4 years I have been your patient, if so what were the complaints? 17) I must insist in a investigation in relation to this overdose and documents provided not subjects to negations as it is far too serious to not be addressed at all. 18) Discuss issues with the blood pressure medication in relation to my asthma 19) How can this situation be resolved in the most effective and positive way that allows everyone to move on without a risk for any of it to resurface? 20) How do you intent to re-establish this seriously broken trust or do expect me to accept that even as a volunteer for medical research I cannot expect any dignity or respect and thus have to accept that with any medical procedure I have to look behind back all the time wondering what injustice or abuse will be done to me next and fearful of taking any medication even just in case it’s another overdose or a wrongly prescribed drug. 21) I still don’t know what is going on with my medical notes and defamatory and wrong entrances and does that mean I have to accept that my medical records don’t reflect the truth about me for the rest of my life? 22) What would you expect to see in terms of remedies to correct this situation if that had happened to you? 23) Are you willing to compile an agenda of remedies that you feel are beneficial in terms of resolving these serious issues that we can discuss and move forward with in and fair and honest manner? 24) Do you think it would be acceptable for me having to search for a different hospital only for other people to have to pick up the pieces of the mess you created and if this is unresolved as there is no doubt that these issues will arise again because I will not be silencing over any of this. Please keep in mind that whilst I wish nothing more than to resolve these issues as positive and effective as possible with as little stress possible, particular for my son and daughter, I have no qualm to take this further should there be a total unwillingness to offer any remedies to resolve this very serious situation! May I add this situation is a very fine example what can happen when serious medical negligence is covered up rather than investigated with integrity and honesty in the interest of excellent patient care and no other interest and the same goes for failure to investigate human rights abuse in relation to medical trials, might I point out as well. It cannot be allowed to be brushed under the carpet if only for the serious injustice it causes when there are cover ups I have a dream indeed but can you help to make it real or do you wish to carry on perpetuating this nightmare for my beloved son and daughter and I? Only time will tell I know and I shall give you very graciously another chance by attending this meeting!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 15:53:40 +0000

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