I am going to put this out there mainly for our own protection! I - TopicsExpress


I am going to put this out there mainly for our own protection! I really despise being accused of crimes I have not committed let alone defaming my character with no chance to defend myself or my family!!!! My husband and I bought our home in December of 2006 and we lived very peacefully with all of our neighbors until the one to the left of us was angry that I would not share my xanax with her (a felony). She has always claimed to be counselor or psychologist ! Until that time we got along just fine! She had even come over to enjoy a glass of wine of two and listen to music always saying how much she enjoyed said music! Well about the time I refused to give her my meds is about the time the police calls for loud music started! She even called the police at 6PM on a Friday evening when she came home from work while an 8 year old child was singing Michael Jackson on our karoake machine!!! Breaking up a neighborhood party! She ran to the officer on scene as though she had been held captive for 10 years! She had broken up or tried to break up many gatherings at our home! I have Notarized letters from 3 neighbors about her treatment of us and the kind of neighbors we are, all in our favor!!!!! An HCPD officer told her any time she can hear the music she can call! And she did call after call after call! She called the police on us for music 17 times and I had to go to court over it! I won!!! She damaged our property as well and her son and nephew physically threatened my husband! My neighbors did an experiment: they played the music far louder than we ever had. We witnessed her go out see where the music was coming from....Guess what...no cops showed up! She never called on them!!! She moved out in 2011 and began renting her home! In 3 years she has had 3 tenants and after we broke the barrier she had created and become friends , each of them has told us that she had defamed our character, calling us meth heads, white trash and do not talk to them they are trouble! The first tenants were an elderly couple, my husband helped the gentleman with a queen size bed to the door. Due to what this woman said about us he did not want help into the home even though he was obviously struggling with the furniture. Several months into their tenancy I heard the son of said landlord threatening this elderly gentleman. I called the police refusing to give my name (so much for that, the sheriff walked right up and said we know you called) The kid got a ticket for license plate violation grabbed it out of the sheriffs hand ripped it in two and threw it in his truck while laughing!!! More to this story but in a nutshell we then became friends with the first tenants When the husband had to leave on business we took care of his wife (89 years old) They loved the area and loved us and moved across the street and stated we were such great neighbors they wanted to stay near us! 2nd tenants we did not get to know so well as they did not stay long and had been warned about us! Also, she tried to force a relationship between them and the neighbor on the other side! The owner of the house actually went to this couples bank and demanded to know how much money was in their account and was thrown out of the bank. This I cannot verify. What I can attest to is that she was flirting via text with the wife. Telling her if she wanted to leave her husband she was welcome to come live with her!!! I think they were only there approximately 6 months.! The third victim...I mean tenant was there 7 or 8 months. I met her when she was trying to have the water turned on during a deep freeze this past February when she first moved in . I was present while she was talking to the water company. She did as told as I was there to hear the exchange. Shortly after water was pouring into my yard. A pipe burst. I am absolutely positive an underground pipe burst as the water was bubbling up from the middle of the yard. I knocked on the door and no answer so I had no choice but to call 911 and request Henry County Fire Department (Official Site) They were so awesome and even helped her move things up off the floor of the garage! She had no heat and asked if we had any wood and of course being the good neighbors we are I gave her a 4 hour fire log!!! I am sorry to lose this neighbor as she was kind and caring and had a very good relationship with the neighbors! The landlord tried to sue her for water damage!!!! I have always been concerned that this woman would try to sue us for the inability to rent her home claiming false actions against us! Now I must worry about that again! She is evil and vindictive! She also passes herself off as a board certified psychologist, which she is not.. I have checked the GA State board! This woman tells so many lies it is unbelievable!!!! This woman is telling prospective tenants and neighbors that we are meth heads and racist. Which we are not either!!! I honestly believe she was the cog behind the wheel of me being attacked by a former neighbor. I had not thought this until learning of recent lies and accusations told to me by yet another tenant. Sometimes I am a little slow to catch on to evil!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:05:54 +0000

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