I am going to reveal a crucial matter as it has been revealed to - TopicsExpress


I am going to reveal a crucial matter as it has been revealed to me, whereupon each persons ability to see or to understand will depend entirely upon this very subject matter itself. Please suffer through this because if you can truly grasp and receive this, it will change your entire life and living from here on out. Our ability to walk in spirit and in truth hinges entirely upon this one solitary basic, fundamental principle because as Jesus said once, Do you not understand this parable? How will you understand all the parables? Mark 4:13 Translation: If you can understand this, how then can you understand anything? I will attempt here to convey to all who have a love for the truth and a sincere desire to see in the perfect light of God in what I can only refer to as REALITY, as it exists in spirit. There exists a state and a condition of absolute, objective, truth as well as that good and perfect will of Creator, Father God. At present however, in this existing evil world there is a pervading cloak of darkness and a veil which separates all from this reality which exists in the presence of God. If not for this veil, I believe the holiness of God would of necessity eliminate all who violate and oppose the reality of this state just as light and dark cannot coexist for they are opposites! Just as a disease corrupts and compromises the health of the body, so too does any unrighteousness corrupt and subvert righteousness. In the very presence of God there is nothing but purity in holiness, righteousness and all within His good and perfect will. Anything contrary to this cannot exist or abide within His presence and thus, the veil of separation. Unfortunately for those whose wills are contrary to the Lords, this veil necessarily separates them from the light of life which comes from Him so that they must now abide in the darkness, In this place there of necessity exists chaos and every evil thing! This is somewhat the picture of the earth in the beginning account we find in the book of Genesis until God moved over the earth and restored it from its darkness, chaos and evil and declared that all was now good. What happened afterwards however, is the injection of a foreign element into this creation intended to corrupt all which was good. We cannot know the whys but we do know that God created man to rule over the earth which was good and that along the line of mans development, he was to receive the divine element of God Himself so as to become a god/man having both the human element and the divine element of God. Apparently, Gods integrity required that man be given a choice so as not to violate mans free will. Since man was created by God to walk with Him and to share in His divinity, it was necessary for the sake of conscience and free will to offer man the alternative which was the exact opposite in every way and form...Christ verses self...life verses what amounts to death and etc. This is why the charge that He has put before us all ...19“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live,Deuteronomy 30 Now then, we must understand the full import of this charge because EVERYTHING hinges upon this...EVERYTHING! How well you can understand and receive of this truth in reality hinges upon your choice of whether you would remain in this condition or to turn and repent of the fallen, self centered man, separated from God and abiding in the land of chaos and every evil thing both within and without which is separated from the light of life of the Lord in darkness! Now let me be VERY CLEAR...if you are one who has repented from your sins and accepted the Lord for the forgiveness thereof, you have become born again and are become a child of God, born anew in your human spirit. This is good news but it is NOT all for now you must endeavor to stand upright and walk WITH the Lord not only as your Savior but as your Lord and your God for this is contrary to your inner constitution which is flesh, the very life nature of the one who opposes, in the person of Satan himself!. Daily must we crucify the flesh to eliminate this nature from our being that we may be filled with the glory of the Lord to be conformed with His own very image! The more we facilitate this, the more we are come out of the darkness and into the blessed light of life! This is the picture of our transformation. Where once we were a caterpillar, now we are in the stage of metamorphosis and our daily choices effect the rate and the quality of our transformation into the butterfly (which is Christ, the perfect and proper man). Along this path which leads to life however, we are still in the land of darkness but as we capitulate in our constant turning from death to life and from self to Christ, light enters through our consecrated and sanctified hearts to reach our soul and to flood it with light for life and life for light! Until such a time as this, I have both experienced and observed the most horrid of conditions in the fallen souls of men in that we are of the very life nature of Satan himself. We are SELF centered, self motivated, selfishly ambitious, self seeking, self loving and etc. All revolves around SELF. This self nature perverts and distorts everything in life. It is akin to the saying of seeing things through rose colored glasses. It has a very narrow view and perspective. It does not have the heavenly view of absolute objectivity and righteousness abiding in the good and perfect will of the Father. No! Rather, its view is very narrow and restrictive and selfishly motivated so that it cannot SEE or understand in the fulness of light. It remains confined in the darkness of self perspective. This very narrow and selfish view or perspective severely restricts the view of the individual and necessarily also ones judgement and discernment in all things! It is of no small consequence or co-incidence that we find the saying is true that in judging matters we must have an impartial, third party to decide. Why? Because the impartial judges view is objective and not subjective! You see, this is precisely the affects of what the bible refers to as darkness! We appoint judges in courts to help discern and decide true justice (as far as is humanly possible) because they serve as a personally disinterested, third party with absolute objectivity because subjectivity distorts reality! This picture I am laying out for you is but a snip it or a microcosm of the greater condition or state of being which we know as darkness. Darkness is the place of subjective reality for it is selfishly ambitious and motivated which severely constricts and confines its vantage point and perspective! One has to come out of self in order to gain the heavenly perspective of absolute truth in reality! This is light! Now consider for a moment all of this in the light of our Lords statement as follows: I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. WHY, was His judgement JUST or right, true and correct? BECAUSE He did not seek His own will! (The Lord be gracious to us and help us to see or to understand the full import of this truth in reality!) Even though Jesus was God, He was not living as God upon the earth but instead He was living as the proper MAN! This is why He repeatedly referred to Himself as the Son of Man and not as God or as the Son of God! As this perfect and proper man, His heart and soul were subject to God as the Father! Jesus, as a man, had an independent will which could very much seek its own, but He did not permit this but kept His will (as with all His soul, mind, will and emotions) in perfect subjection to and alliance with the good and perfect will of the Father over all and above all. Because of this, He was able to walk in the perfect will of the Father at all times and thus consequently in the fulness of light which exposes all things to Himself so that He could have perfect vision and consequently just and accurate judgment and discernment. This is walking or living in the light rather than in darkness. Do you see the distinction here between whether we live in darkness or the light and from which base or foundation (tree) this comes from...self verses Christ, my life, the perfect man? Having been born again does not make us firmly established into the tree of life as yet, but it merely brings us to the point where we may freely choose this tree every day for our life and living so that everything henceforth hinges upon this daily choice of self verses Christ, my life, for light and darkness, life and death, temporal verses eternal! How well one can see and understand this depends entirely upon his daily choices up to this very point in time for this governs whether he may see in light or from the darkness of self. This is the governing principle of life in all of creation for God will not be mocked but we shall always reap according to that which we have sown. If we sow to the selfish flesh we shall reap from that flesh, corruption which results only and always in death and ever abides in the place of darkness where perspective and all discernment is obstructed, distorted and perverted in relation to objective truth and righteousness! But if we sow to the spirit we shall from the Spirit reap of His eternal life in the fulness of light which exists only of absolute and objective truth, righteousness and the good and perfect will of the Father/Creator God! Amen and so let it be!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:34:47 +0000

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