I am going to say whats on my mind, and when I am done, some - TopicsExpress


I am going to say whats on my mind, and when I am done, some will agree and some will be very upset that I did. But God is my judge. Remember I said that before you start judging me for what I said: First of all I am a veteran who served my country knowing that if I went to war, I might not come home. I am thankful to all those who are veterans and to all those who have given their lives for the freedoms that we still have. I am a concerned citizen of the United States Of America. I fear for this great nation that we are under attack from within. Why would I say this? Obama has treated our foreign friends like enemies and rewarded our enemies as if they were our friends. One example on that would be Israel. He has turned his back on Israel especially when he told them they cannot defend themselves! Obama is a danger to America! I believe that it is way past the time when he should have been impeached! Firing all of our top ranking commanders (Handing them pink slips while they were fighting for this country at the time) was merely just the start of weakening our countries defenses. And cutting military spending to support our troops with what they need to defend this country is an attack on our troops! With them out of the way, it would be easy to attack America on its own soil! Along that line, Obama has constantly attacked the second Amendment. Trying to take away the peoples rights to bear arms so that no militia would be able to fight back when and if a civil war were to be fought. That in itself is not right! Obama is forcing people to have to have Obamacare insurance which many doctors are quitting their practices by the way after seeing what it is doing is just wrong. It is against our freedoms that our soldiers fought and died for. That name needs to be changed to ObamaDoesntCare, because it is forcing something down the throats of FREE Americans. Obama has unconstitutionally bypassed Congress at every turn by using the federal bureaucracy to inflict bad laws on the people of America! The Obama administration is claiming that the First Amendment, which expressly denies the government the authority to prohibit the “free exercise” of religion, nonetheless allows it to force Christians to directly violate their religious beliefs even on a matter that involves the life and death of innocent human beings. Opposing Jesus Christ’s command to make disciples, the Barack Obama military is considering to try to forbid Christians from proselytizing. Jesus Christ commanded Christians to “make disciples…teaching them to observe all things I commanded” in Matthew 28:19-20. This is known as the Great Commission and is a purpose of every Christian’s life. Obama has unconstitutionally attacked our sacred freedom of religion, a God given right guaranteed by our Founders in the First Amendment of this great country we now live in. Personally I am tired of getting lied to and Obama is a LIAR period. Am I nuts? Maybe....but has anyone else thought about this? Obama let five afghan detainees or Jihadists go for one man who was considered to be a soldier who was AWOL. Those men are more then likely fighting for ISIS now! Did you know that Obama set the ISIS leader free in 2009? Some would say that the ISIS Leader Abu Al Baghdadi, is considered to be the most dangerous man in the world, thanks to Obama! And they (ISIS) have the funding to be able to get here thanks to Obama supplying them all they will need through the Muslim Brotherhood! Obama gave the Muslim Brotherhood 1.5 Billion dollars. The Muslim Brotherhood is a known terrorist organization by the way for those of you who do not know this! I believe that ISIS is a threat to the United States of Americas security. He has opened up our borders for attack. Think about this...ISIS can now enter this country freely without anyone getting into their way! More then likely through the Southern borders which the border patrol just let anyone through now! This is a threat to our nations security. By sending illegal immigrant children to various states while refusing to inform said states Governors of their arrival and location, he is criminally complicit in the trafficking of illegal immigrants. Its criminal to freely house, feed, and give money to illegal aliens on the backs of the middle class. Obama is an embarrassment and a disgrace to to the people of the United States of America! Tyranny has been on board way too long now because of Obama! He has purposefully violated our constitution and his oath of office! I want to know why our government, especially our congress who has the power to stop him has not done so by now? Oh, and lets not forget Hillary Clinton who has been caught twice now in time of her office for lying. How many congressman and senators are paid off by this administration to keep their mouths shut? And why have they let Obama get away with the use of drones against American citizens at all? That is an abuse of power for one, and an invasion of privacy which is a God given right. What I have said is the truth and I do mean it all. It makes me wonder just how far Congress will let him get away with, because enough is enough. This man is a waste of tax payers dollars!! Enough said, that is all!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:59:36 +0000

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