I am going to share Ariks posting as some of my facebook friends - TopicsExpress


I am going to share Ariks posting as some of my facebook friends do not see his facebook page. Arik wrote: Jennifer Nesbitt did not respond to to the treatment as we had hoped. She has not anything to eat or drink in a week suggesting that the weeks she had left have turned to days or hours. She continues to sleep most of the day dotted with moments of clarity. She turns her head smiles, frowns, or gives a small chortle to make sure you know that she knows youve said something stupid. Though few and far between these moments help us all know that, although scared, she knows how incredibly she is loved. We are thankful, truly thankful, for each moment, every hour, and all the time remaining. The incredible support we continue to get from friends, families, and everywhere Jennifers life has reached from coast to coast has brought a fellowship of love and kindness that I would not have imagined. It is difficult to express how meaningful it is to Jennifer and all of us. So, simply, sincerely, thank you to all.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 11:09:56 +0000

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