I am going to take a lead from one of the current face book trends - TopicsExpress


I am going to take a lead from one of the current face book trends at the moment, and have my three things to be thankful for from the bistro; 1/ I am grateful to all of the helpers that have helped through out the year. I have counted about 25 parent/ grandparent helpers through out the year. Those that have come in have had a fantastic attitude and have been great to work with. Thanks for putting in the effort and please tell your friends how easy/enjoyable it was so that they may put their hands up next year, because we need LOTS more helpers! 2/ I am grateful to all of the club members and players who have come in to help in our times of need, the dishes are a pain but every week someone has come in to help us keep on top of them, thank you! 3/ I am grateful to the kids who have stepped up to help out, Scott did a bit but Neve Robbins and Nick Craven were absolute stars though out the year, they are a credit to themselves and their parents! OK, I need more than three.... 4/ I am grateful for the regulars Leah and Wendy who kept us going week in and week out, they have done their share in the past but they came back this year when things were looking very dark for the bistro. 5/ I am grateful for the patrons, the numbers have been really big each week, and while I would occasionally be cursing how busy we have really been feeling the love! The patience many of you have shown for our clearly amateur operation has been gratifying as well. AND FINALLY, thank you to Summa Rayner who generously donated last nights salads which were a huge hit!!!!!! Seriously, people were raving, you need to check out what this woman (and her fabulous hubby) are doing down at THE CAFF (Thomas St Super Clinic, opposite the hospital), their pies alone are AMAZEBALLS!!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has contributed this year, it has been frustrating at times, but ultimately it has been a service that is appreciated by the majority of people who go to the club, and the juniors should be thankful for the things our share of the proceeds makes possible for them! Warm regards, Tania and Tim.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:52:09 +0000

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