I am going to take out a legal law suit against the western - TopicsExpress


I am going to take out a legal law suit against the western schooling/department of education, Docs and South Dubbo Campus Australia N.S.W on behalf of my two kids. Mainly because my daughter is just 14 this last week and has missed out on years 7 and 8 already. Not one of The Western schools nor any public or catholic will take her in unless I take her in to be mis-diagnosed with a mental disorder,ie (add,adhd,oppositional behavior or schizophrenia) that I know she has not got,( in year 6 she was school captain and a A grade student also very determined and bright)then tragedy hit by a male offender who, got away in the court system with it thanks to a Certain So called Support she had Big Revengeful Mouth... I want to know just how many of you remember going to school and finding the staff room unlocked, unattended, left wide open for students to access alone?? I know when I did, We could not ever, get near it,unless a teacher needed it to use, as their office to see me at the time. My daughter was bullied by a year 9 student of Australias Dubbo South Campus Collage for some period of time, She ended up having a punch up with that year 9 student .(unfortunately for her-- the fellow senior student),....My Girl came out on top and flogged the year 9. This did not rest,....as the the following year. The year 9 Student,had become now a year 10 as my daughter had become a year 8, The now year 10 student had been shot down, her ego hurt so bad,that she now had to get in her forces with lies ,now not only she wanted revenge she got 15 other girls of year 10 after my daughter, My daughter had been to the teachers and the principal and nothing was done nor was going to be done, My daughter had now become desperate to defend herself, she ran down the hallway and much to my disbelief, she could actually go straight in and enter the open staff room, To now grab anything she could to defend herself, against these bullies,.....There it was a knife.. !!! Now School goes into Lock down and Guess what My daughter is the bad Mental kid with a brain disorder,, Now I am not condoning her methods in doing such a thing, I do understand why she had,,,What I dont understand is she is being denied access to any western region schools unless I have her diagnosed with a disease she has not got ,,I am her mother, I dont need a dumb government payed off physic, to tell me or her otherwise, because the schools dont have the funding to put her in a special ed class she has to have a disease to get the funding. I even offered to pay for the funding and they refused to take my money.. bit of a no win situation dont you think? How is she supposed to learn,,, to fit into society,,when society already has given up on her Put yourself in her shoes and think of exactly how you would feel being told your not normal ,,all the time by department of education/department welfare (DOCS) If she had gone home then turned, up to school with the weapon, the following day or the past out of the blue ,, I would understand, But she hadnt..... It was a spare of the moment situation.....that has..Now resulted in my young girl, being disassociated and denied entrance to any schools, or with the fellow community, not giving her the chance to be a child, to build long term friendships and support of her own age.. We live in a small town, on a farm, that has no social events to join.. let alone public transport.. Right now she is depressed,, lonely, bored and Very down on herself, She has been told she is not right in the head and has now got no got confidence,in herself she now,believes she is better of dead, then to go back to school and feel dumb ,because she is behind and cant understand the work. that she would have, if not taken out of class and not regained access to education system, I know she is Bright and has a lot of care,for others, specially ones who are weaker than most, but she now has troubles fitting in, because of the constant judgments,she dont know how to act like herself..(because she dont want to be classified mental) She will help out thats her nature, beautiful,intelligent girl, who is now, in her mind,locked up, with a jail Life sentence Example,, no education= No Job government payments, are going to end= no food, No House, No Transport= Leads to criminal Activity to Survive== getting Caught eventually=To Jail dont pass go, Dont collect $200 ,,like Monopoly.. No future to look forward too, As her Mother,her best and only female friend I can only make her feel worth while so much This is where I ask you all for Support I need the you all as a Community to get behind Help, to get her back,what years of education she has already missed and the ones to come,, This is going to cost me a lot more money..Than I can make,to pay proper people for her education, This is why the law suit I am going for,,, I have both my kids home 24/7 a week,,no break and no support,, which makes it hard for any permanent full-time jobs, let alone any breathing space, to think about my Future and how we can have a normal functioning stable family Life, I I would Like this to go viral and need some help to get a petition going, to try have her entered, back into the eduction system full time ---with extra assistance,, funded by the government,payout to get her back to where she needs to be,,,So please pass and share this on to as many people,
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:50:41 +0000

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