I am going to use social media for awareness, and for a rant... - TopicsExpress


I am going to use social media for awareness, and for a rant... This was my ATT encounter yesterday and now waiting for another call on Monday. Long, and read if you want. Advice for the situation and other ideas for internet/TV would be appreciated. I had an appointment scheduled for install between 1-3pm. Total time on the phone in a few calls is about two and a half hours. At 3:30pm I made a call to ATT (Evelyn) to see where the tech was. I was on hold for a bit and Evelyn comes back on the line to tell me that my order is in holding. She has no idea what that means, so puts me on hold again for a bit to speak with National Dispatch. When Evelyn returns, she explains that no one was initially coming and apologized. She directs me to William (Tech Dept) to help explain what was happening. This is now around 4-4:15pm. He finally tells me the same as Evelyn, but includes that he was informed that there was an error in my order. Because of the error, it was spinning in there system and was not notifying anyone. So in reality no one knew of any order being set or anything scheduled. That is why a no call/no show from anyone at ATT. I understand the computer malfunction, but this is where it gets more interesting. It is now 5:30pm. William hangs up with me to begin researching deeper to try and resolve some things and get me back to some one that could help me. Evelyn calls back to notify me she has a person on from the West Coast office, Lisa. Lisa never asked once why I was on the call. She offered an expedited appointment of Wednesday, September 10 instead of the original Friday, September 12. I said this was not except-able, considering that my original appointment was Saturday, September 6. She was interrupting me as I tried to speak or ask her if she knew why I was on the call. Lisa informed me she was there to set up my new appointment and that was all. I proceeded to explain, she could not help, so I asked to speak to her supervisor. Shirley enters the conversation and starts by saying this is the expedited time we are offering you (felt like, take it or leave it). I said this was not except-able seeing my original appointment was Saturday. I wanted someone their earlier and wanted reciprocation for my time, energy, being on time for the appointment, and now the hour and something on the phone. She then got rude and told me I would not speak to her that way and that I had better listen to what she has to say. I was demanding and NOT listening. or I need to listen and not be demanding. as I was told. When I would ask to explain my situation because the did not know when I asked her what my situation was, she was rude and disrespectful. She would interrupt, and was patronizing. I was never able to finish explaining because she was not listening, interrupting, and in my opinion... did not care. I promptly thanked her for not helping and hung up. I instantly called William to explain the previous phone call. He was very apologetic and worked on writing comments in my file regarding the call with Lisa and Shirley. We concluded and he informed me of what he was sending to his superiors, and also said some one from ATT would be calling me Monday to discuss the situation even further.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:33:25 +0000

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