I am guilty. You are getting this forward because I am home on - TopicsExpress


I am guilty. You are getting this forward because I am home on facebook when I could be out doing other things. I admit it. I am retired. No job. No wife. No children. I use it but I still get out and meet people, go the Y, take long walks through the city and sometimes just sit in the park. I see others walking with the phones ablaze having to step out of their way because they are not paying attention. I have seen kids at a party sitting at the table with family transfixed by their phones, side by side and neither existed as well as no one else at the table. Only the glow from the screen on their phone. Yes. We use it too much and there is a cost. But (always a but), it does have a place in our lives but we should not let it replace our living, really living our lives. In our hands we hold the knowledge of the world, the ancient and the new. We can be in touch with people all over the world. I have contacts in Japan, Slovenia and Turkey. But many use it for such mundane and unimportant things, to tell their friends what they had for lunch or who they just met in a strange place, or what they are wearing (or not wearing!). I have learned much from the people I have on my friends list. It is often like being in a classroom with a lot of other students and I like that. It is not my social life but it is a part of my life. School was not my life but it was a major part of my life. I met many people there and we learned together but we rarely connected socially. So, I view this video as an extremely important one and it should spread to everyone. I am sharing far and wide and beg everyone who reads this to do the same. This medium is important but it must be used with wisdom. I see that it can be. I also see that it can, and often is, abused. Albert
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 15:55:01 +0000

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