I am headed to bed, but saw this thanks to my friend Tracy Kowald. - TopicsExpress


I am headed to bed, but saw this thanks to my friend Tracy Kowald. I am Not Alone. So powerful, yet so true. There have been so many times in my life where I have felt alone, where I felt I had no one who could understand where I was at in my life. I am so thankful that in my moments of complete and utter dispair that I was indeed NOT alone. So many times in my life I have seen HIS hand over me that I cannot deny he is not there watching me. The time I should have died for being septic when doctors surrounded me not giving me much hope and then a miracle happened. The time when Tristans placenta at 30 weeks broke open - he should have died at that very moment in side of me, but for some unknown reason he had a greater purpose to carry on outside of my body, to the time I watched my husband grab our three year old Keira who had made a mad dash for the road while we were packing up hear our local park. She should have been hit, but somehow Michaels arms grew longer that I had ever sen them. There are so many more experiences I could talk about as to why we are NOT alone. So this song really hit home to me because while there are days where I struggle with being a good enough mom, wife, coach, friend, I have to give myself the grace to know I am NOT in this walk alone. He is right there with me to pick me back up when I fall and say, Amee you got this, you are worthy, you ar loved, and most importantly you are NEVER alone.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 05:00:39 +0000

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