I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold blooded act of terror - TopicsExpress


I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold blooded act of terror in Peshawar. Innocent children in their school have no place in horror such as this. This people call them self as Muslims! Islam dont say You kill the people! In Quran there is no single ayah that say to u KILL the people! This people arent real Muslims! Quran didnt said kill innocent kids! Islam tell u Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm, do not cut down fruit-bearing trees, do not destroy any town. so how they can call Muslims while they arent following the law of Islamic! We are embarrassing because of those kind people! They trying to change the law of Islam! They are trying to change the sunnah of Prophet pbuh. How we can call them Muslims! And the shocking news is some of us are their side and supporting them!! While they call JIHAD. Let me telk u! Jihad didnt mean that u kill innocent children! Without reason! This children didnt even knew what terrorist, islam, jihad means! If u read Quran u will know that Allah swt didnt said KILL PEOPLE! please brothers&sisters if u cant do it anything about this Terrorist at least dont support them! Our proper pbuh told as Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong even if they do evil at Al-Tirmidhi. May allah swt guide those who are doing wrong and embarrassing Islam/Muslims. And may allah swt protect Pakistan! It makes me emotional by hearing the crying voice of mothers! Fathers! We also have family! Imagine if ur kid was one of those who was in peshawar school! How would u feel it!! Lets pray to our family in pakistan! To those mothers that lost their kids! #PrayForPeshawar#PakistanAttack#Peshawar#
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:18:59 +0000

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