I am here to let you know it is time to do the right thing. Over - TopicsExpress


I am here to let you know it is time to do the right thing. Over the past year we have seen some of the craziness of the federal government lying or misleading. I would suppose most of us believe that is always going on, but I would say that the lying and misleading bar has been raised to a new level. We need to bring Trust back to government. We need to know that our leaders are there to protect us and not lie for us, to us or against us. I may have started this letter using the Federal Government as an example but it isn’t just the Feds who mislead and misguide and misuse, it is the state, it is the county, it is the city governments, they all do the same. We have bureaucrats at each level who will take the law, change its form a bit and apply it so that it is meant to harm instead of protect. When you have the liquor control board telling a business they need a new business, a new license, a new fee because their restaurant has two rooms on the same floor of a building, even though this business has been working fine without incident for years, through several different inspectors, through several police chiefs, and many inspections. Now there is a problem because they want to interpret what the word “adjacent” means. Heck we’ve had people in government who couldn’t tell us what the word “is” is supposed to mean and now they want us to trust them with a big word like “adjacent.” There are two words we need our leaders and bureaucrats to understand and work with: Common Sense. I defy you to find the common sense in any of the three business closures I will outline. We’ve had a fire chief that shuts a business down not because it is a danger but rather because the business doesn’t have the most current suppression system. We’ve had a health department shut Mitchell Meat Company down because they couldn’t afford hirer permit fees, farmer market fee’s and catering fees, and now we’ve had the liquor control board new area agent close Mackinaws “Man Cave” down because of how they define “adjacent” and then require a new business license, a waiting period and require new fees. When a new building code, fire regulation or ruling from a non-elected official comes down from the heavens, we need to apply a simple test and evaluate the risk to the public. Dan’s Eat Shop very, very minimal risk. Yet it is closed and the building has been empty for some time. Mitchell Meat Company is closed and will not be reopened. No risk there. The health department didn’t even know how to inspect the bacon man. Again new fees from the heavens closed him due to permit fees. Permit fees are meant to inform. They’re not meant to put a business underwater. What good does it do to make a company go underground? Does the health department have a way to inspect businesses that don’t tell them where they are? The Man Cave is closed (yes because of an Angel from the heavens) but will reopen, but at a cost and rules for something it wasn’t meant to be. There are many, many stories out there about our non-elected bureaucrats closing business because of how they interpret what our elected officials deem necessary for our protection. It is how these new laws are interpreted that can kill our businesses, one business at a time, one regulation at a time, one bureaucrat at a time Look in any profession it is the 1% that gives the 99% a bad name. This is true with the bureaucrats. Most are good people. It is just unfortunate that heads of some of these departments are part of the 1%. We just need those in a power position to lookout for use who aren’t. Do I hear an Amen?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 02:16:09 +0000

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