I am hesitant to call myself a “Christian.” I will only say - TopicsExpress


I am hesitant to call myself a “Christian.” I will only say that I am a believer of the way I BELIEVE in the sacrosanct non-negotiable works of the cross that begins with “behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world” and culminates in “it is finished.” Please understand that I am not attempting to persuade anyone of anything I am merely stating my position. And while this may or may not cause controversy and some to de-friend me or attempt to convince me of how provincial if not superstitious I am -so be it. I have then established without going into detail my beliefs, which brings me to the purpose of this post. Today as I was pondering the world situation in the Middle East an idea popped into mind- who can say where it came from, as I am neither overly political nor overly spiritually minded? The idea was framed in the form of a question. I asked God in earnest “don’t you care for the people around the world”? Don’t you care for the Palestinians”? And this idea set off a series of other difficult to comprehend constructs. Somehow someway all this thinking led me to this conclusion that “Christians” of course not all care only about those things that are marked with the distinct stamp of “Christianity” such as Christian movie, books, Christian trinkets etc. etc. We have created this sub- culture that encloses us in an unrealistic world that in turn causes us to love (and not so well either) only those that are like us in thought and speech. It is to be sure an elitist mindset that closes out the world that so badly needs us to be salt and light. We forget the words that state, “For God so loved the world” as followers should not we do as the father does? Somewhere across the planet a family that does not believe as you do needs your prayer, let your conscious be awakened from self, let your heart be apprehended by the suffering of others, to cause a Christ love in you that is stronger than your bias. The question then does God care about Palestinians I would have to respond with yes and it is written right in the Bible expressed in the words “For God so loved the World.” Orale!!!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:59:38 +0000

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