I am holding a shakti class in Totnes during september, details - TopicsExpress


I am holding a shakti class in Totnes during september, details are below, please pass on to those who might be interested... The Dreaming ~ Shiva Shakti Dance Meditation Class The Shiva Shakti Meditation is an ancient womans dance. Using the slow and simple movement of the universe we uncoil all of the tension stored in our bodies and transition into a right brain state. From here we connect with our innate selves and our mysterious power, knowing and authority. Tuesday evenings, 7pm - 8.30pm 11th Nov, 18th Nov, 25th Nov and 2nd Dec We will be outside, in the woods near schumacher, where there is a firepit and wooden covering, dancing around a fire in the dark. This is a closed group with a maximum of 12 places. The cost is £28 for the series. Some words on the focus for this series: Larry Merculieff, an Indigenous elder from The Aleut people learnt how to “not think.” To not be in his words in his head, but to be in his wordless heart. At a time when Larry was seeking something specific, his mentor instructed him to go into the heart of nature and to set an intention without thoughts. After a long time sitting, a black hole opened in Larry’s mind and all the knowledge he sought came streaming through – he had touched the Womb at the Center of the Universe. This is where well be going for this class. According to mysticmamma, the theme for November 2014 is THE UNKNOWN~ “This month brings tremendous possibilities to recreate just about everything in your life. “When you are dealing with the UNKNOWN, you can either hide in fear and wait for the night to be over, or you can explore the possibilities by making friends with the shadows and using your intuitive senses to ‘see’ in the dark. Darkness is the perfect canvas for the imagination and we all know that imagination is one of the building blocks of manifesting. The exciting thing about this month is that we have the perfect opportunity to break through that membrane and expand ourselves into a larger container. We will need to move our security point from being defined externally to our internal knowing and sense of ourselves. Full article is here mysticmamma/the-theme-for-november-2014-is-the-unknown/ To secure your place send me an email and Ill send you the details of where well be meeting (a five minute walk from schumacher car park, dartington) Love Rebecca rebeccathemaze@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:27:57 +0000

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