I am humbled and proud of my brothers and sisters I read about in - TopicsExpress


I am humbled and proud of my brothers and sisters I read about in the news. I see a mother held in captivity with her children who would not surrender her relationship with Christ. I see lives put in harms way and even surrendered as a firebreak against a plague ravaging a foreign country. I watch as ancient churches are destroyed but whose members will not recant. I see the courage of the called. That call and the response is not just in far away places, however. You know the voice whispering to your own heart. It presents every day opportunities for service, for glory brought to His Name. The accumulated weight of those opportunities is mighty. They change lives and communities and the future. Jesus met some local guys and a simple, Come follow me, and their answer changed history. I want to answer swiftly and completely everyday with the courage found in partnership with the Holy Spirit. There is a bravery and a resourcefulness that Heaven will lend to our efforts. We will not be alone even when we feel alone in the doing of it. John Indermark in his book about living unafraid says, Our God-given vocation is to translate the gospel’s gift of not being afraid into the gospel’s practice of not living afraid. That vocation belongs to the entire church. You and I are the ones called to its practice in a world dominated by fear, a practice that leads us to provide in word and deed our witness to God. What is God showing you now? How is He saving you now? What do you need to share with us, or with those who are the called who have yet to hear it? Guaranteed a voice has come with our vocation. Let His Spirit speak through you today as He opens doors of opportunity for witness and service. Blessings, Pastor John
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:07:12 +0000

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