I am in absolute agreement with the idea of a scientific - TopicsExpress


I am in absolute agreement with the idea of a scientific determination ~ OSHO " I am basically against marriage; obviously the question of divorce does not arise. I am against the accidental birth of people, because that is the basic cause for the earth being burdened with the retarded. I am in absolute agreement that love should be just play; the moment you start producing children it becomes business. And I cannot agree to produce this kind of humanity. I was teaching that whenever a ouple... of course unmarried, because the law has nothing to do with your love. Love should be a freedom between two persons, and if from even one person love disappears they have to separate, as friends, with gratitude for all the beautiful moments they lived together. Loving affairs ending in the courts are absolutely ugly. And when a couple wants more than love, wants a child, the decision has to be made by medical science, not by them. Because neither the father knows nor the mother, what is going to be the outcome. Adolf Hitler, Ronald Reagan? These idiots could have been avoided. In a single lovemaking the man releases almost one million sperm, and from that point starts your ugly civilization. All those one million sperm have a life span only of two hours; within two hours they have to reach the mother’s egg. You have seen marathon races, but you don’t understand that the real marathon race is for the poor sperm. It is so small you cannot see it with your bare eyes. In relation to its size, the track that it has to pass to reach the mother’s egg has been calculated as almost two miles. In these two miles, one million people are struggling for survival. It is absolutely understandable that the wiser ones will stand by the side, and the idiots will do everything to reach the mother’s egg. It is not a coincidence that the world is full of retarded people. And once a single sperm reaches the mother’s egg, the egg closes; the remaining one million people are defeated. They have to die, there is no way for them to be alive. It is almost amazing that a few wise people have also reached the mother’s egg. It seems just accidental. A Gautam Buddha or a Bertrand Russell – perhaps they got into the crowd and could not get out of it. The crowd is not small. And they were simply pushed by the crowd; perhaps some idiot was pushing them from behind. I cannot conceive them to be so competitive that they would have reached on their own. Some accident, perhaps just chance that they entered the track first, because one million people cannot enter the track simultaneously. And there is no referee to give them a signal – Go on! So a few enter first, a few later. It seems to be just chance. If you look at humanity, how many people of any worth have you created? And how many people have lived without any dignity, without any joy? I am in absolute agreement with the idea of a scientific determination, and not to leave it – because this is the most important thing – to the idiots themselves. They can be eliminated, but then we will have to think in a totally new way. We will have to manage our lives not according to the old, which was not management but an absolute chaos. It is not necessary that your sperm will have an Albert Einstein, a Rabindranath Tagore, or a Picasso. I don’t see any reason why we cannot have banks in the hospitals, medical colleges, where people can contribute their sperm just as they contribute blood. Now science is ready to read the intrinsic program of the sperm: how long it will live, whether it will be strong or weak, whether it will suffer diseases, whether it will be intelligent, whether it will have a certain genius. This is an old stupidity that your child should be only from your sperm. From the sperm bank you can choose. If you want a scientist, if you want a poet of the qualities which only very few people have attained in the whole of history, if you want a painter, if you want an absolutely healthy human being, intelligent, beautiful, you can choose. And rather than you injecting it, let medical science inject a single sperm so there is no possibility for any Ronald Reagan to reach the mother’s egg. These people have to be eliminated completely. They don’t have a place in the future vision of mankind. Just think of a world of utterly talented people, healthy, with a longer life span, creative, sensitive. We can make this world really a garden where every plant blossoms, releases its fragrance, joins the dance that is existence. " ~ O S H O , Om Mani Padme Hum, CHAPTER #12 - EXISTENCE HAS ITS OWN WAYS, 27 December 1987 am in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Osho Commune International, Pune, India ♥...
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:50:44 +0000

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