I am in love with the All-knowing Lord; the ignorant ones try to - TopicsExpress


I am in love with the All-knowing Lord; the ignorant ones try to hold me back. How could I ever break with the One, who owns our soul and breath of life. why kill yourself for your love of decorations of your home and mansion? In the end, only six feet, or a little more, shall be your lot. whatever I wish for does not happen. What can I accomplish by merely thinking? The Lord does whatever He wishes; it is not up to me at all. God Himself makes the mortals anxious, and He Himself takes the anxiety away. praise the One, who takes care of all the true lord. the mortal does not remember the Lord; he wanders around, engrossed in greed. Committing sins, he dies, and his life ends in an instant.the body is like a clay vessel or a brittle metal pot. If you wish to keep it safe and sound, then vibrate and meditate on the Lord; otherwise, the thing shall break. chant the Name of the Beautifully-haired Lord; do not sleep unaware. Chanting His Name night and day, the Lord will eventually hear your call. the body is a banana forest, and the mind is an intoxicated elephant. The jewel of spiritual wisdom is the prod, and the rare Saint is the rider. the Lords Name is the jewel, and the mouth is the purse; open this purse to the Appraiser. If a buyer can be found, it will go for a high price. the mortal does not know the Lords Name, but he has raised a very large family. He dies in the midst of his worldly affairs, and then he is not heard in the external world. in the blink of an eye, moment by moment, life is passing by. The mortal does not give up his worldly entanglements; the Messenger of Death walks in and beats the drum. the Lord is the tree, and disillusionment with the world is the fruit. The Holy man, who has abandoned useless arguments, is the shade of the tree.plant the seeds of such a plant, which shall bear fruit throughout the twelve months, with cooling shade and abundant fruit, upon which birds joyously play. the Great Giver is the tree, which blesses all with the fruit of compassion. When the birds migrate to other lands, O Tree, you bear the fruits. the mortal finds the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, if he has such destiny written upon his forehead.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:11:51 +0000

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