I am in pure disgust right now. Ive seen police do some twisted - TopicsExpress


I am in pure disgust right now. Ive seen police do some twisted things to ppl, but I just experienced it first hand just now... So after work today, I went over to Smoke to hear Ingrid Jensen play with Orrin Evans Quartet. I stayed for the first set which was DYNAMIC, then left. I decided to walk down to the 96th station instead of getting on at 103rd st. I get to the station, swipe my metro card, and walk down the stairs to the platform. Next thing I know, I feel someone grabbing my trumpet case that was on my back. I started to move around to try and break there grip on my trumpet, then turn around to see its a police officer. The lady says to me, maam you need to come with me. I said to her, with all due respect, I need you to unhand me and speak to me like a person and explain what is going on. Next thing I know I am being grabbed by a male officer and he starts to carry me up the stairs. By this time Im in tears because Im scared and confused as to what is going on. So I say to them, I know for a fact that you dont have the right to put your hands on me before you have even explained to me what is going on. You are violating me as a citizen right now. The male officer then puts me down and I walk up the stairs. When I got to the top, I say to the lady officer, now what is going on? She then opens the gate and says you have to leave the station. Im still in tears because God knows I didnt do anything to anybody. She then pushes me through the open gate and closes it behind me. Several ppl are watching and were recording the entire incident. A law student who saw the whole thing went over to the officer and said, legally you are wrong, that thing lady didnt commit any crime and unless you have reasonable cause for suspicion you just harassed her for no reason. I am standing on the outside of the gate shaking like a leaf because I couldnt believe what just happened. Then an older Spanish lady comes and says, follow me. She takes me down the block to a different entrance of the same station, I swipe in, and get on the train. My heart is still beating like crazy. I cant believe that. OMG!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 01:30:30 +0000

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