I am just now able to put our tremendous loss into words, and post - TopicsExpress


I am just now able to put our tremendous loss into words, and post it on facebook. Some of you know that Tricksie (Ch. Garvins Halloween Trick), aka Pickle, Pickledog,Flick, Flig, Pigdog, Pig, left us peacefully on November 21st after a short battle with pneumonia/possible lung cancer. She turned 14 on Halloween. Tricksie was part of our family before we had our daughters. She was my start over in having a breeding program, and the absolute best companion for our family. As my mother says she was the best dog EVER. She was kind, funny, dramatic, and a fair leader of any animals brought into our home. She was sweet and affectionate and a big goofball. She could travel anywhere without stress or worry. Calm and collected. She LOVED to show and I took her every year to our Gaitway specialty and showed her in veterans, where I have some very memorable photos, thankfully. Every year as I packed the car to get ready for the specialty, I tripped over her repeatedly because she made darn sure I did not forget her. Always between me and the door, she wanted to GO. And go she did. Everyone who met her, loved her. My daughters are adjusting to life without her much better than I am. Her last few years had been very labor intensive as I formulated a homemade diet to keep her from getting bladder stones, and to keep her arthritis in check. She had severe spondylosis of the spine, but until right before she died, never showed much if any back pain. We were able to manage her pain well and she played frequently even after her 14th birthday. I miss her terribly. I miss her looking up the stairs for me to come down and FEED HER...her favorite thing to do was eat. I miss spending twenty minutes twice a day fixing her meals. I miss her howl. I miss how shed fall down if you blew in her ear. I miss the smell of her eyes and the feel of her ears on my cheek. Anyone who thinks those of us who carefully breed Pembrokes dont love our dogs...you have no idea. Our loss is tremendous, and my pain is still very raw. She was family. She was (is) loved! Tricksie had 32 puppies in 3 litters. I am still in contact with most of the owners of those puppies. I now have the 4th generation down from her with our young sable girl, Mimi (Marpran Dancing With Myself(Ch. Brynlea Willowisp I Got Rhythm x Marpran Pocket Full Of Sunshine). I am thrilled to say, it took me 4 generations, but Mimi is the closest Ive come in temperament and type to Tricksie. She produced healthy, happy, well adjusted puppies who have enjoyed overall great health with their families. I think it is important to note that Tricksie was DM *at risk*/UNAFFECTED. She never showed signs of DM, and I paid close attention. I had planned on donating her body to DM research, but unfortunately, we cannot plan when they will tell you they need to go, and it was impossible to make those arrangements. I would not trade anything for the years we had with our amazing girl. Even though I am gutted by her absence, I am forever grateful for her being in our lives. We are better for knowing and loving her. Our dance with our girl was amazing. She will be forever missed, forever loved, and forever remembered by all who knew her. I look forward to the days/weeks/years when I can finally talk about her, write about her, and think about her without feeling so profoundly sad, and missing her so terribly bad. I look forward to those days so I can smile instead of sob at our memories. Right now, I still cry. A lot. I miss you so much, Pig. I miss you, I love you, and I thank you, for the dance.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:19:38 +0000

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