I am just so blessed. Sometimes I worry that Im too thankful - TopicsExpress


I am just so blessed. Sometimes I worry that Im too thankful for things, like Im too emotional or something... and i know that probably seems so silly. But I think that Im sometimes far more emotional about the fact that Im able to have an education and experience the amazing individuals in my life. I tried to tell Joyce during an interview with her about how much shes impacted me as an artist and as a person. And Im sure that Ive also almost cried on Sara Lehrman when Ive told her how much she means to me as well. Sometimes I wish I could accurately express just how much of an impact youve made on your students and just people in your life in general. Like, changed my whole world. Ive had great educators, friends, mentors, family... Just amazing people that have given me hope and love. And, Im so happy to be able to share those experiences and be that person to someone else. Especially as educators, they dont hear it enough. I know they feel like they dont reach a single kid or person sometimes. They have calls from angry parents, and all they hear from students is how they arent doing something right... and Ive made it arent point to, no matter who you are, tell you something positive that I feel about you. If I feel it, Im going to tell you. Because you deserve to know that youve really changed my life. Even if it doesnt ultimately matter.. I dont care if it as how cute your shoes are, or how deeply youve moved me as a person... If its something positive, Im not going to feel bad about telling you. People think thats weird in this day and age... but I dont care. Because of those influences, Im going to change the world. And even if its only in my little world... Im going to strive to do it and I want to move mountains even if its an small hill to other people. To someone... its an mountain that they felt like they couldnt conquor. I want to help. I want want to show them they arent alone. And even its because of great people, that I strive to to be great. This week when I wrote my personal statement, I spoke about those influences and the people that have given me opportunities and advice and just chances that Ive never forgotten and always appreciated. I know that Im capable of so much now, and especially with the support... I just want to pay it forward. I want to show the world the same kindness that Ive been given. I want to change the world through positivity and love. And, I know there will be haters. No matter what you do, or how hard you try to be positive and succeed... There will be people that dont want to see you happy. They dont want to see you succeed and gain ground... but you can show them by still going on. Even with hardships and anger and hate in the world... still keep shining. Dont let others kill your happiness. You deserve to feel amazing. Especially as helpers. Spread love and positivity even when life doesnt want to let you be happy. Barriers will arise, but you have to keep going. Keep trying. Keep focused. You can do it. Even when its hard. Just know that you can do it, and it can still make a difference in the world. Even if if its a small thing to you, it may mean the world to someone else. :) You have the ability to be amazing and change the lives of others... and yourself. Dont forget you. Its going to be awesome. Just keep going. Oh...and I love your face.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 01:02:26 +0000

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