I am just trying so hard sometimes to just push memories of you - TopicsExpress


I am just trying so hard sometimes to just push memories of you away from the front of my mind because i would go crazy if all I did was think of you...it would destroy me. i am just missing you too much right now. I never felt so lonely in my whole life. I just wish you were here. The hardest part for me was after you had the stroke and I never had a chance to talk to you like i would have if you not had the stroke. I never had the chance to really talk...I justed wished i had one day where you could talk like normal and express everything on your mind to me.....I know you heard me tell you i love you and i heard you tell me i love you back...i will never forget that for as long as i live. but I truly wished we had one brief moment after the stroke where you could talk like you did before the stroke. I am also happy i was there every night to give you back rubs because i know how you truly enjoyed that. It always relaxed you and made you sleep. It was nice to know every time you woke up and called my name, I was always there to answer you and put you at ease. Louie I dont like this at all but I know your love for me and my love for you will give me all the strength to survive although it seems impossible at this time that i ever will survive this because I love you so much and you loved me more than anyone ever. No woman could ever love a man more than you loved me. I am just happy because after you survived your breast stage breast cancer 5 years ago we both realized how fragile life was. I cherished you everyday even more than before the cancer. We never had any bad times because even when we fight we soon could laugh about it and tease it other about it. From the moment i met you until the day we said goodbye., you gave me the greatest joys in life and i never had a better friend than you. Your humour was the best and i truly miss it the most. Through all our time together you could always make jokes in good times and bad and happy or sad. I learned that one from you and and thats something i will carry to i die. You teach me how to laugh at life because that is the secret of life....better to laugh than cry.. Thats what i will always miss the most. I miss you Louie and I love you so much
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:12:15 +0000

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