I am left a little Numb after finding out Today that although - TopicsExpress


I am left a little Numb after finding out Today that although yesterday, I was finally given some insight as to whats possibly creating Mental Disabilities and various effects of that, and Rationalizing Situations in what would be considered a Sane manor. Certain recommendations to attempt correcting or strengthening this area of Mental Disability Im experiencing, wont begin to be actually addressed for possibly up to 3 months to even begin treating it. I also discovered I could have some possible Life Threatening situations occurring from the Basilar fracture received from my fall 9 months ago. And what heightens these dangers is statistically based facts for the probability of 3 things, also based on medical statistic, is Ive never been checked yet are very conceivable and should be checked for Now ASAP. But part of what I learned today was although I have all this new info, I am for the most part Legally restricted from obtaining any other Medically considered treatment from any source of physicians not associated to my Case or Hearing. Even if Im doing it all through my own personal insurance and financing. So at this point, I now see myself as nothing more in this than a Piece of Evidence, used for nothing more or less in the form of an informational pawn, necessary for 2 Attorneys to eventually haggle over a monetary amount some judge or hearing officer decides is a justifiable amount to be offered to the Pawn, Basically to end the Game. I guess I confused myself by thinking I was a Patient in their game they call Fair and Proper Treatment. But thats OK. Another Game I Play called Life Constantly leaves You Redefining Who and Where YOU are on the Playing Board. So right now I simply need to Rethink a few things that need categorized by Need and Importance. Than Grab some kind of Focus to enact these new Moves in order to win the True Prize at the End of their Game The Hope of Actual Help and treatment before it may Become to Late. Sounds Scary I Know BUT...I got a Friend who Assures Me He is in Control. And Promises Me No Matter what it is I Think I See, Nothing is really ever what it may seem to be if not seen in the Right Way of Observing it first with Possibility. God Bless My Friends...Peace
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:14:44 +0000

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