I am logging on for the first time tonight and I must say that I - TopicsExpress


I am logging on for the first time tonight and I must say that I am VERY THANKKFUL for all that God has done on this past week which has been surreal to say the least!!! On Monday morning, I went in for the procedure I remember being rolled into the operating room then laying on the table. After going under anesthesia the next thing I recall is like I was under a curtain that closes a stage show. I was fighting this heavy blanket and I recall saying that I wanted to live! I do not remember much but I recall hearing people talking about me as if I was not there but I knew I was there. I know I heard a voice tell me that I was going to live prior to me opening my eyes. It was crazy being in the hospital for a procedure that they said I would walk out of in a few hours and then being bed ridden in tremendous pain and not able to feel my legs. God has been good to me and I knew that prayers were going up for me because each day saw my body come back more and more and more. By Friday, I was literally able to lift my hands over my head, which is something I could not do early in the week and could only do with extreme pain prior to Friday. The feeling in my legs came back to me from my feet up. I still have some rehabilitation to do but I am out of the hospital and back home with my family and for that I am grateful!! I am alive…..I am still here…I am making a comeback! Thank God to all of the people who prayed and thought of me during this week! I appreciate you......I give a special shout out to my BEAUTIFUL WIFE Sandra Stubbs who stayed with me in the hospital all week and praying for me and anointing me with oil! Every time I woke up she was there for me with a smile and words of encouragement. There were times in the middle of the night I would wake up and she would be rubbing my limbs down while praying and speaking to God! I am EXTREMELY blessed to have this woman in my life!!! I thank God for her ALWAYS!!!! Alright.......ITS TIME FOR A COMEBACK!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:18:33 +0000

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