I am no expert on Religion… but I can tell you this. The primary - TopicsExpress


I am no expert on Religion… but I can tell you this. The primary religion I practice is Nichiren Buddhism with SGI. I dont know if Shakyumuni Buddha every said to kill is ok or not, or its ok under these circumstances and not those. What I do know he said is that everything you do is gonna come back to you some day. When you know this, believe this, or even if you dont believe it, but you think there is enough chance that it might be true, you dont go around doing harm to others. When you have a Religion that teaches you this… and then it also gives you tools for calming yourself, gaining wisdom and compassion for others and just basically being the best human being you can be, and when you are in spiritual community with other humans who believe this too, or at least try their best to follow it, then thats really the only rule you need. The Law of Cause and Effect. So when people say that Religion is the problem, I dont agree (altho I absolutely completely and utterly not only support their right to say it, but welcome them to say it, and for us to be able to talk about it too). I really dont know if the Muslim faith in anyway leads people to violence. I know that the Church has, meaning Christian, but I believe that was the doing of corrupt priests. We know about them in Nichiren Buddhism. They were so stupid, they kicked US out!!! And we said ta ta, we will keep on keeping on!!! Religion has helped me. Its not perfect. But without it and without my spiritual community I would be such an egotistical angry maniac. Some may say I still am. And thats ok. All I ask is that you point out to me how I have hurt you and I will do my best to consider my actions and try to do better. Ive tried to live without Religion and I suck at it. I am not trying to convert anyone out of Atheism here at all. Just saying…. Religion is probably not the problem. The problem is PEOPLE and what we do to each other. The problem is people not following the guidelines of their founders. And if the founders were incorrect and you know that, then get out of the Religion. All I can tell you is that the one I chose offers a clear path to my happiness. Its up to me to stay on that path, or not, as I choose. And with that, I will choose to walk my dog and do Evening Gongyo. Nam MyoHo Renge Kyo!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 01:22:34 +0000

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