I am no longer interested in arguing about scientific facts like - TopicsExpress


I am no longer interested in arguing about scientific facts like climate change. if people would rather believe there is a covert mission to kill everyone, that is your choice. I study science. I originally thought that befriending people from alternative news sites would help me meet open minded people. instead it resulted in meeting people who are more closed minded than the general public. it is a you better believe in our conspiracy theory or we hate you kind of community. it is a huge disappointment. i have observed that most people seem to need to feel they belong to a group and independent thought is frowned upon by those in all walks of life, including the truthers. I find it to be a community that absolves itself of responsibility by blaming an evil entity that they deem themselves victims of. I have no interest in the victim mentality. I long for a community that encourages research and independent thought, embraces responsibility rather than victimhood, and seeks to understand rather than blame. I invite this closed minded group of truthers to unfriend me at this time, it will save me time in going through the list myself. wish you all the best.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:47:12 +0000

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