I am no vax-manufacturer, I have therefore no need to subject my - TopicsExpress


I am no vax-manufacturer, I have therefore no need to subject my vax to safety-testing-research. Neither have any of our peers ever reviewed research results from any vax-maker. No manufacturer has ever been required to conduct experiments to prove his toxic vax is safe in the case of anything so obviously-relevant as e.g. Studies to Establish that XYZ Vaccine is Completely Non-toxic, ergo Risk-Free, Under all Practicable Clinical and Subclinical Conditions. No vax manufacturer will ever do the research, because no governmental authority will ever demand any such research. They both know full-well that any such research would inevitably establish the commercially untenable result that the vax is totally UNsafe. The smart money is betting they HAVE tested in a dark lab underground: they know the truth is totally unpalatable. Their conniving conspiracy keeps the stupid public in the dark. BTW The same zero-safety-test-regime shamefully pertains to fluoridation, to mercury amalgam placement, to GMO foods and to aerosol chemspraying from airplanes. Public-safety tests are never conducted because TPTB know lethal toxins better than they know loyal taxpayers. The nearest hint weve been conned that we the ignorant public ever got to know, is the ominous word DEATH, listed among possible side-effects on the vaxpax. Why do we not read it?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:45:01 +0000

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