I am normally not a complainer or one to be negative but there is - TopicsExpress


I am normally not a complainer or one to be negative but there is something that I see far too many drivers doing and it really makes me shake my head and ask why is that legal? Here is the thing. In California, we have a hands free law. This means that if you must use your cell phone while driving, you have to use an ear piece or speakerphone or some other means that allows you to keep your hands on the wheel. Perfect, I am a huge supporter of this law. I still see way too many drivers with their cell phones in their hands, defiantly breaking the law. But that is not what I am writing about this morning. The hands free law is an effort to curb distracted driving. You need to remain focused on the road and the cars ahead and keep your hands on the steering wheel so you can react quickly if something should happen in front of you. Knowing all that, can anyone explain to me why it is legal to have a dog running around loose in a moving vehicle and in many instances draped across the driver with its head out the drivers side window? This makes no sense to me. If you are so attached to your dog that you cant spend a moment without it and must take it with you everywhere you go, wouldnt that also mean that you care for its safety? If you do, how is the animal safe running around loose inside a vehicle? How is it safe draped across your lap and shoulders with its head out your window thereby limiting your ability to react to a sudden obstacle? Am I missing something or is this not the most obvious form of distracted driving? Lawmakers need to make this behavior illegal and they need to do it NOW! This behavior puts the driver and every other driver on the road at extreme risk of an accident. I am sorry but pets should be in a restrained box or cage while in a moving vehicle. Children have to be in special car seats, they are not allowed to run loose in a car or sit on someones lap. Why are dogs? Anytime I see this, I think that that driver could care less about their safety or the safety of anyone else and really does not care about their dog. Please for the safety of yourself and everyone else on the road and for your pet, please transport your dog in a cage. Thank you!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:42:58 +0000

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