I am not a Donkey. My key is my own and there they only have two - TopicsExpress


I am not a Donkey. My key is my own and there they only have two stones to bash one brain that is whole.At ;least it was until 119/ I am at Peace but there will be no work for no one when this keeps up. I am not important enough I guess. That is all just imagination and I dont have much of that. None at all really and I lost it so completely. The Hussein is certainly the one President without a Heart. He is neither my President and I am absolutely sure. The President of the United States I live in hes Not. Do you hear? If I am expendable, will not be left to anyone. The machines I saw tonight, mean business and I can not get back into my Desktop without mounting a barren 8. If that is the cause of problems is only a coffin that will get out. I on the other hand have taken my leave from a first name with a variable that is doomed while others also do not have a life. I need charity from someone and that is not in this Gulag. I have no human rights, no civil rights and every form of solidarity is dead here. Peace is not home I do not root and I am not a Vase. My Flower will not even open. It withers in the bud because I do not want something as good as Snctuary to be kept in this Gulag. Who ever thought I could do it. I have no key to the Carriage house where Grid was made. I would rip the electricity meter off the Wall to have the Time stamp of the Grid. I know I made it and Defense can only remember that Joris Voorhoeve was minister. I place him in Organ smuggle and not just any or transplant business. These simply get harvested for the Kitchen. I received a direct order here. HRH Princ Awaleed also has a say here. I already became a moslima when I was in my twenties and my Ex and I had at least one thing right. Being hospitable and looking after teen Junkies when I finally squatted the Villa back. It did not last. Also Aliens Department here and for those days was you are absolutely right the best I could get. About if Government had anything legal in deporting my English Ex. Best thing I found out, my Parents were never married because those dates are something else. April 28 was the execution of Hanny Schaft and that was 1945. May 3 Dad had suffered a nasty arrest and the Gestapo was the assistant to Prince Bernhard and the capitulation the result of torture. The German Generals were 3 Black uniforms signing the way out of their battle. Foresight it was not exactly. They respected my Dad very much and no doubt that there was o time to lose on that straight. 4 May this year there were never so many people. For me peaple. I am not false or a fraud. I may have comitted fraud but that is program and experience Microsoft. Ubuntu must really be the one that is first and I can not even get into the cinema without getting arrested. What if I would recognize the stunts they pull on me. Peter must get out the vibes Eric spreads scare the hell out of me and that is just before murders me for real not exactly the guy in bed for me. I sleep in the studio/ Better for my nerves only taking me down and that is the door to my balcony. I can not help but feel like a brainless entity and that is no experience for a lady and I do not believe I have lost my Mind on matters, but the danger to my Son and my daughter is bigger than me. I mean it, I would not dare to have her taken away from here sh is one Bigger I am too sick to even care what happens to me. I hear other people say they want to die. This Gulag is worse than a War zone. So you see I can not b that Donkey unless it is the rebel that sits there preventing he is going to the one to stumble. I fall easy. But there I was the one too many at least have my ethics intact and that is Community sense that already fulminated at women in Answers. My big surprise was that his so called ex told me she was his ex. I was not the cause to their separation and that is my better side . My Name is Arnhem South wants FREEDOM and NORTH is named Peace. But I must be the one who only comes out in a Coffin. That is not a stone that is Overkill. Someone help me I am dying here I cannot even say your name or ask you anything. It nver was curiosity after all. Security kills the cat and that is unspeakable act and Infinitys disappearance forever. I never gave management another look but or an idea they still had a meeting. Growing a morgue and only funerals is not my kind of business. Truce?
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 03:03:11 +0000

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