I am not a religious man in the traditional form of the words. I - TopicsExpress


I am not a religious man in the traditional form of the words. I do pray she is found alive happy and healthy but if not I offer this to her parents. as the father of a child that by the gods grace decided I would not have her very long I post this:(not my writing just something didnt write this just something I found and sounded right for the situation) “God, bring comfort and peace. Peace is your essence. Peace is your name. Bring peace to this family who has lost their precious child in death. We come to you, God because we know that you sorrow, and are acquainted with grief. You too have endured the loss of a child. You empathize. We can’t help but ask, “Why?” Forgive our insistence, our confusion, even our anger. We believe that you are just, and we ache to understand how this tragic death is an expression of that justice, how it expresses your love. We also know – in our minds at least – that you seldom answer the “why?” question. We press you, but on these matters you are mostly silent. What we ask instead is “how?” How can we move forward? How can this bring us together and not tear us apart? How can we now live under the shadow of this untimely death? Answer this prayer with your comfort and guidance. There is no way to remove the pain. The grief is real. The only sanity is to know, to believe, in a life beyond with you, when all the scales are righted and the sufferings are made good. We trust you and your promise that while this child’s life on earth is done, her life beyond has just begun. With that release we lose her and let her go into your arms, then by faith receive in return the boundless comfort of your presence. That is all, that is enough. In Jesus.” although we do not understand I MUST believe that the almighty(s) have a plan and everyone is put here to teach a lesson to someone in their life. we may not know nor believe that this child taught us something, but in that, look at the community that came together around her and know that she DID touch each of us. I held my children a little closer this evening and took pictures of them so I had up to date photos and told them to be aware. hold them close love them with all you are and always be vigilant of your children. Bella you touched us all and I say we will all miss you....
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 05:21:15 +0000

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