I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ!!...Why should I ever be - TopicsExpress


I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ!!...Why should I ever be ashamed of the One who saved me from myself, the One who saved me from hell? Why would I ever be ashamed of the Saviour, who took me in and chased away all fear and torment? The One who saved my soul... HE has never done me wrong and will never leave my side, and Im so thankful for His friendship and love. I saw a preaching video the other night, and something was spoken that I had never really thought about before. Youve probably heard people say, or have said yourself, I was saved by Gods grace. Theres even a song that says, saved by grace, Ive been saved by grace. My name is in the book of life, my sins are washed away. Well, Ive been saved by Gods mercy...He is the One who I had rejected for over 18 or so years; He is the One who I was raised to know, in a family that went to Church and believed the holiness way, but I lived in rebellion and wanted no part of it. I thought that the sins in my life were more important than the religious things, but Im so glad that GOD didnt take me from this earth, after all the chances I threw away; instead He came and lifted me from the ground...He pulled me from the darkness of sin and destruction and led me to the altar at our Church, where I gave my heart to the LORD, and where (about a month or so later) I was filled with the Holy Ghost. I know I am so far from where I need to be, or desire to be, but I thank the LORD that Hes never given up on me. Jesus loves you and is there for you! If youre faced with a battle that seems too hard to fight, remember that the battle is GODs, not yours; remember that HIS yoke is easy and His burden is light. If youve reached a river that seems too difficult to cross, then just raise your hands toward Heaven and give it to God; and, like for Moses and the children of Israel, that great red sea will split and will allow you, by the hand of God, to cross on dry land. If youve reached a mountain that seems too impossible to climb, then remember also that if you have faith the grain of a mustard seed, you can command the very mountains to remove from their place...Dont fear those mountains in the distance, for GOD will give you strength to climb. There is a GOD who knows what youre going through and will not leave you alone; Hell be with you even to the end of the world. I Am Not Ashamed! by Deborah Anne Belka Lord, I am not ashamed, of the hope that lives in me. I wear my faith openly, for all the world to see. You asked me to be the light, to shine Your Word upon my path. So, I share Your truth knowing, at me theyll scorn and laugh. I am not intimidated, by the words and thoughts of man. Instead, I rejoice in the knowledge, You will finish what You began. You asked me to be the salt, to spread Your favor on the earth. So, I tell the story on my way, of their sin, Your life, new birth. I am not afraid, or concerned what man may do. For I know that I am Yours, and they can’t take me from You. You asked me to follow You, in every act and deed. I do so willingly because I know, You will help me as I need. I am not beaten, although man may think he’s won. For Ive seen the Crown of victory, upon my Lord, the Christ, Your Son. You asked me to be faithful, my trust in You remains. I know You will walk with me, on the narrowest of these planes. Lord, I am not ashamed, despite how man wants me to feel. The Good News is my life, and Your love I can’t conceal.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:32:47 +0000

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