I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus! Dear Christian, do not - TopicsExpress


I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus! Dear Christian, do not hold your head down when you stand for Gods moral standard. Our culture is to put down any who hold up a moral standard if it imposes guilt upon themselves. Theyll say things like your judging me, or hater or if its right for you then so be it. They want us to keep it to ourselves. Im sorry keeping it to yourself is selfish and a major defiance to Christs command to preach the gospel to the world and be witnesses. Not everyone will receive our message. People that love darkness do not like light so they will ridicule and belittle the message of Christ. But in order for people to be delivered you must cry loud and spare not! Then those who are in darkness that want to be free will hear and respond. Timidity will leave them in darkness. They are looking for someone with something real. Dont bow to those that love darkness as they try to intimidate you to keep your moral views to yourself. The only reason they do that is because they love darkness more than the light. John 3:19 the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light. Acts 1:8 God gave you power to be a witness in the midst of persecution, so dont be a coward. Lift up your head and declare the truth! Preach about sin, righteousness and the judgement to come. People that want it will respond in repentance. People that dont want it will mock and persecute. MMMM The disciples were killed for their faith! Should we try to escape persecution by watering down our message so that those that love darkness should accept us?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:00:59 +0000

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