I am not asking for anything other than you please read our story. - TopicsExpress


I am not asking for anything other than you please read our story. Read all the way through, && then please post what youd like me to pray about for you. My fiancé and I have been together a year, next month. We have been pretty comfortable until what started a few months back. It all started when my fiancé went into the emergency room (Mercy here in the city) because his stomach was hurting to the point of knocking him off of his feet. The ER decided to give him Haldol in his IV. Haldol is a schizophrenia medication. He is not schizophrenic, nor was he having schizophrenic symptoms, AGAIN he was in for extreme stomach pain && diahrrea. So, they had no medical reasoning behind giving him the Haldol. Also, when we asked them WHAT they were giving him they stated oh, its just something for pain, && to help calm you down I had to ask them multiple times for the name of the drug, and then when they finally answered, they gave me the long name, hoping I wouldnt remember it. Im thinking maybe they used this drug as a placebo type drug, trying to see if my fiancé was faking his pain and would state that the drug made his pain go away. They continued to put he Haldol into his IV && sent us home 6 hours later at 5am stating he must have a stomach virus. He fell asleep when we got home and then woke up at 9am stating that he couldnt get comfortable and felt like he was having an anxiety attack. He was finally able to fall back asleep for a little while, only to wake back up at noon. He left me in our bedroom and let me sleep a little longer, then woke me up sounding terrified stating that he had a nervous tick in his face. When I looked up at him part of his mouth was closed and the other half was wide open. I was confused trying to figure out why this could just suddenly start happening to him. Im a nursing student so he comes to me about everything. Well, I had him lie down and was hoping it was just lack of sleep. The tick progressed very fast into his body contorting, his legs lifting up without him being able to stop them, and his chest trying to touch the ceiling. I was getting terrified for him and asked him if he was scared and he said yes. When your big huge man tells you he is scared, theres a problem. I finally started looking up Haldol, trying to figure out what could possibly being going on. A few minutes later as my search was complete && I was realizing what was wrong, I rushed him to the closest ER from our house. They thought he was a Cerebral Palsy or Parkinsons patient && I had to keep telling them that this was not his normal stature. Finally they let me explain and told me what was wrong. Yes, they diagnosed him within minutes, luckily I knew what to say and had a general idea of what was going on because they told me that if we would have waited any longer her would be stuck like this && they wouldnt have been able to help make the symptoms subside. He was diagnosed with tardive dystonia (drug induced dystonia). He will always have this condition now, for the rest of his life he will have to worry about getting shots or medication because it can send his body into spasms again. No flu shots for my guy. Look up Dystonia to better understand the pain he was going through. Even the pictures are not for the weak. They gave him Benadryl, and waited for the symptoms to subside but they were not going away. They proceeded to bring him MORE && more Benadryl (this was all in pill form, mind you), && the symptoms still were staying && worsening. It wasnt until they brought in a shot of Ativan that his body completely stopped contracting && he was able to rest a bit. It took WEEKS for the symptoms to finally go away && his muscles to stop hurting. You can imagine how painful it would be for every muscle in your body to be constantly contracting beyond your control && then the pain you would be in later when your body could finally relax. He ended up losing his job because of it, he was the only one working because he likes to be the man. He got a new job as soon as he could work && on his first day of his new job our vehicle we shared between the two of us broke down. He had to park it in a gas station parking lot after asking the owner of it was okay. Then the next day when he went to check on it it was gone. We have checked every tow lot && asked the manager && no one can seem to locate it. He still made it to work anyhow, he walked the full 6 miles every day. A few days later we received an eviction notice. We had no more time in our home && his check was still 2 weeks out. We are now homeless but was able to buy a car off of someone for $200. Even with everything that we have been through and as bad off as we are right now... It helps me to think that someone, somewhere, has it way worse off. I dont complain, no one on my facebook even knows any of these things because I dont know how to publicly let all my friends && family know this about us. My only wish is that, after reading this. Please know that like I said before, there is always someone, somewhere that is going through harder times. And in my time of need && struggles, as I pray for myself && my family, I would love to pray for anyone else out there who is needing a prayer. God Bless you all.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:16:10 +0000

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