I am not entirely certain as to the hectic chaos that has gone - TopicsExpress


I am not entirely certain as to the hectic chaos that has gone down among various members of the group. Typically, I prefer to remain as neutral and as objective as possible. However, after seeing the mayhem unfold concerning so many different individuals that I like and know not to be troublemakers acting out on others for a mere pleasure factor, this type of behaviour should not be acceptable. Again, I do not have the full story as to what has been going on, however, the message is blatant enough that people need to begin acting responsibly and in a mature manner. The last I looked, this was not a group consistent of a Gestapo regime. Regardless of what you believe your standing here to be amidst others, you (as in anyone) do not possess an inherent right to insult or besmirch the reputation of someone else simply on the basis of a disagreement. You do not have the right to use a seat of power as a means to control what some may do or say to counter the injustices done by other people. Being respectful, kind, courteous, as well as uniquely you should be the backbone of what this group stands for as all of us are minimally bound by our adoration for Dragon Age and other Bioware projects. It saddens me to say, along with this current issue serving as partial motivation, that I may be vacating the group fairly shortly with Inquisitions release on our doorstep (yes, in some cases that is literal, hehe). Staying poses too great a risk for unnecessary spoilers arriving from members that do not care to disregard regulations placed for the sake of other members gameplay experience. Altogether, I hope some of you may come to realize that simply because you hold a seat of power or free ability to express yourself, it does not give you the right to trample over the oppositions of others or to threaten them by means of banning to suit a one-sided argument from a third party and an ego trip. On that note, if stating this results in my ban, so be it. I wont sit quietly or idly by while my friends here are treated so rudely and without a sliver of common decency. I just hope that those accountable learn, otherwise they may be left with a lonely circle of one. Thank you to those who took the time and have had the patience to read all the way through. -End rant/speech-
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:50:15 +0000

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