I am not frightened to post my personnel file on here. Dont matter - TopicsExpress


I am not frightened to post my personnel file on here. Dont matter one bit!! Who hasnt been reprimanded in the course of their work throughout their lifetime. Let me see here, I accidentally tore up a radar unit when moving it to another car. I apologized and sent if off my self to have it repaired. I used profane language towards a ranking officer and got in trouble. I got wrote up and investigated while off duty for giving away personal property. To sum it up, I had an old mildewed vest and asp baton that was in a storage shed. My neighbor who happened to be 14 at the time helped me clean out the shed. I told him he could have the old vest which was given to me to use for target practice so it would be safer. I got wrote up and suspended for 2 days!! I thought that was it, but I was wrong. I made a mistake and told the truth I shouldnt have given the items away. 2 days wasnt enough. The case was sent to POST and I was put on probation for an entire year! During my probation, I was promoted to the rank of corporal over another officer. Now how can someone be suspended and then later be promoted? I turned my rank back in. It is a liability to run a shift while under probation. I thought the 2 days was the end of the reprimand. I never knew it was even sent to the state for review and it never should have been. I even researched to see what stipulations there were for being forwarded to the state for review. Suspensions 30 days or more, terminations, demotions, arrests, etc. Two days was unheard of!!! But another officer allegedly ran their car out of oil and blew the engine up. This officer was given a 5 day suspension but was later allowed to make up the time by working overtime. And this officers investigation was never forwarded to POST for review!! Another time I was witness to an officer engaging in intimate relations with a female in the graveyard. I did use some choice words to my partner at the time. I was wrote up for using profanity against a superior officer and in presence of the female!! The officer was demoted but not fired. He finally left on his own accord. Now my question was what kind of language was being used during the intimate exchange in the graveyard? I am sure that all the language could be heard in church on Sundays!! I never said I was perfect but I am not ashamed to air out my mistakes, why dont you show yours??
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:35:01 +0000

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