I am not like you... none of you, not saying Im better... because - TopicsExpress


I am not like you... none of you, not saying Im better... because I would be like some of you... not saying Im less because then I would be like the rest... Ive always had this feeling of detachment, never really going out of my way to fit in, its funny cause some how in high school and college I was still considered popular because of what I did I guess but, I didnt make it a point to go hang with the popular kids... I even made it a point to distance myself from them because I had my own issues... I was awkward and weird... and i still am to this day... Like children they say we are all born to shine, but so many have lost there light due to the way life has turned out for them, turned against what they truly believe is right or whats in there hearts... turned against there dreams and given up there goals... all for what just to make things easier by fitting in a certain group now days its the way of everyday life... with our government, work etc... not to long ago at work I was faced with a minor dilemma... either do what you were told or do what you felt was right... considering that it was minor and did not effect my employment I choose to do what I felt was right... most ppl would have choose the other... without being told to even!! I believe that a big part of remaining in spirit and being who we are truly meant to be starts by not abandoning what you truly believe... this has nothing to do with religion, now the hard part is that what you truly believe is solely from you not anyone else so you have to separate all other influences of TV, media, radio, work, co-workers, friends, and even family, find you under all of that and THINK what feels right to you then all the other parts that you separated start putting them back but only the ones that work well with YOUR core beliefs... To live like this aint easy but thats why its worth it. Im not saying I do this to a T but I keep it with me and I strive for it more and more Im just learning and sharing what I believe...Ppl often mistake the concepts strength and power although they may be similar in the dictionary I find the difference between and how they are used them according to what I believe... Power is a tool, it is how you use that tool is what really matters... A lot of ppl now days believe being strong is being cold, mean and grim even running over the weak or those not as strong as you... Your either the prey or the victim and thats the trap we are stuck in... in this reality... and it all roots from fear we fear what we dont understand and are not willing to except each others differences the wars of religion has been going on for ever your God is wrong my God is right and its getting worse, racism is getting better but their is a thousand more reasons created to hate the next man now days that it hardly matters if racism has gotten better its merely an afterthought... and we use power as a tool to destroy each other but the differences remain anyone who has made a great effort in helping us get over our differences has been murdered, humiliated, or banished yet we continue to fight each other and play the part in thisdramatic path of destruction that has been put in front of us and we have been tricked into believing that this is the only way... I see different we should help each other evolve instead of leading each other to the guillotine!! and thats what sets me apart from most of you but I understand we are all capable of this thinking once we realize we are all one which is true love which love is also the absence of fear... being strong is not taking advantage or running over the weak, being strong is not to attack, but to withstand and protect the weak until they grow strong enough to do for others as you have done for them... that is how I believe the truly strong use there power... on the other hand the ones who have abandoned there beliefs and could be considered weak although it may not seem so due to the harm they could cause to someone... they use there power to attack and damage... now considering that situations are often more complex then that it all still goes back to fear... I have severe contempt for unnecessary aggression so why would I be unnecessarily aggressive? Its not good for my karma and thats the kind of thinking I try to use at work or in most situations... At times I am lonely because of the way my beliefs are... but I am happier that way, and knowing that it wont always be like this and that it will get better comes from my beliefs through all the hardships in life you must not abandon who you truly are you core beliefs... believe me when I say this LOVE is within us all and through love we can create and live the life we want in this experience and be happy... be so determined that it makes you cry even!! NEVER WAVERING in pursuit of peace and happiness... walk tall and strong in the mist of all this corruption and chaos, through all the distractions the enemy tries throw at you to keep you from being what you are meant to be... Its not as bad as they say it is and it will get better... you just gotta believe it as you once did before remember and dont ever forget... STAY STRONG AND NEVER WAVER!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:40:28 +0000

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