I am not posting this to judge anymore, or to anyone particular - TopicsExpress


I am not posting this to judge anymore, or to anyone particular btw. Its a subject matter that Ive been thinking about recently cuz you hear it from time to time. I have strong opinions about it too btw. These are my opinions. Karma is a religious belief system, and I am anti-religion for those who dont know, and its a religious belief system which cannot prove itself in the world of science and rational thought. Its all make believe, psychological masturbation. LOL It makes the person who is saying it feel good about their situation. Instead of them saying to themselves, I am not going to call karma on someone else, rather I will say my crappy situation I am in is due to my own bad karma. LOL Nope, you will never hear Karma ever being used that way. LOL My advice is, Be your own church, be your own religion! Stop looking for answers outside of yourselves (especially if its a collective belief system, not based on individuality). We can share this journey in life together, help each other out, help each other try to make sense of it all, but in the end we must figure out these eternal struggles on our own. I like how the guy in this video words the belief system of karma, its like a video game. You do what you believe to be something good, you win 5 points. You do something you believe is bad, you lose 5 points. I see it as being no different than any other religion, especially Christianity. If you do what you believe to be good, God rewards you. If you do what you believe to be bad, God punishes you. I think we can all agree that this is total bullshit! Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. We have a hard time accepting that, because its not far! Hence why we have the saying, Life is not far, for a reason eh! That is more true than believing in Karma. When the term Karma is used, or the term What goes around, comes around, it is actually very negative in nature, cuz it is always used negatively to imply that something bad will happen to someone else other than ourselves, exempting the person who is using the term itself (aka they are the good guy/gal, and the other person is the bad guy/gal). In reality, there is good and bad in all of us! You wanna talk eastern religions here, they call that Ying and Yang. LOL Just the fact that you never hear this term of karma ever being used positively, Oh that person has good karma coming for them, ya baby! So just listen to how the term karma is used by those who use it, it always reflects something more going on then an actual belief in karma. When it is used, its a form of wishful thinking that something bad is going to happen to someone else! So in fact, its extremely negative and narcissistic to talk, let alone think this way about other people. Karma is a self serving belief system. From personal experience, I had an old friend who use to talk this way. He use to say, Karma, but always in a negative way, implying something bad happening for someone else besides himself. He use to say, What comes around, goes around, etc and I would get upset with him, because its a very negative thought process, and its very hateful and is based on vengeance rather than just letting go of ones frustration towards another person (which is a healthier thing to do in my opinion). Any ways... years later, when his baby boy died, he came to me and said the following, I dont believe in that Karma or what comes around, goes around bullshit anymore. What did my baby boy do to anyone to deserve this? Unfortunately, it took something like that to wake him up to the what I tried to tell him about all those years earlier. Believing in this stuff is no different than believing in magic. Its negative too! I dont see the love in stuff like that, its totally negative. There is no place in a rational thinking world for belief systems that are thousands of years old, and were created in the East (which is all religions btw). People need to stop believing and thinking in old world ideologies! https://youtube/watch?v=n3w5ZUs7ayI
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:00:48 +0000

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