I am off to work on a cake that I am excited to do. It’s a sheet - TopicsExpress


I am off to work on a cake that I am excited to do. It’s a sheet cake with a lighthouse scene. I’ve always wanted to do a 3D lighthouse cake, and maybe this will be good inspiration for it. I feel just fine but my voice is still playing tricks on myself and others. I have realized that with all the people in my care not talking is not a choice. ha-ha I saw something today that really struck me. There is so much talk about Patriotism, and so much negativity toward humanism. People who are super religious and patriotic are so narrow-minded, and their deep-seated fear or need to believe has blinded them to the truth of what love really is. I love my country just like I love my friends, family, and neighbors, but just because I love someone don’t mean I am obligated to put up with abuse, or tell them what they want to hear to placate. Our country is no better than the others, just as no person is better than other people. In fact, we are much behind the rest of the world in so many ways, and we can’t fix that because the conservatives are afraid and keep shouting we’re number one! They are the kind of people who believe if you shout the lie big enough it will become the truth, and if you ignore real problems they will go away. Only they never do. We talk a lot about loving our neighbors, but some of the same people saying they do are the ones calling their neighbors moochers and telling them to leave the neighborhood. Religion, patriotism, those cause division. They always have and they always will; to the point of human lives being lost. Why are American lives more important to you than lives in other countries? You had no say in where you were born, and you should reserve such pride for shit you actually accomplish and complete. Forget blind faith to any god, country, or man. Do not EVER let a promise to be loyal turn into a never-ending sentence of slavery. Call yourself out when you’re wrong, and call others out, too. Sometimes, we allow our thoughts to be backed up with too much fear and insecurity, and our thoughts become the lies we believe. Never base your search for any kind of truth on what scares you. Whatever you’re afraid of you must face, learn more about it, and accept what you find. You only need more knowledge to conquer any and all fears. Danger is real, but fear is a choice. We should stop fearing things and people that are different, and instead, opt to learn more about each other. Confidence and being sure of the self is quiet. America is not quiet. If you have to shout to the world that you’re number one you are only trying to convince your insecurity, and you will never convince the world. If you really thought we were number one you wouldn’t feel so threatened, or need everyone else to agree with you so badly. A hugely conservative person says, “I’ve never been through that, so who cares?” It’s why republicans only start accepting gay marriage, welfare, etc. after someone they personally love experiences those things. A liberal says, “No one should ever have to go through this, let’s see what we can do to help.” They’re not asking for handouts, they are offering helping hands, loving their neighbors without borders, and espousing true family values by accepting their loved ones as they are, and not abandoning them. I believe if we want to be number one we should be number one in figuring out how all people are provided with mental health services, food, shelter, medicine, and education. I believe that science can provide a spiritual experience, and our schools should teach real, tested, proven science, and that religion has its own schools, churches, and venues already. I think a constant sense of wonder is far better than not allowing questions. We should never put rules on and stifle creativity and learning. I am open to all possibilities, but have learned to be dogmatic to none. Every human being, not just every American, should be allowed to speak what is on their mind. Only by communication can we learn and grow; build healthy relationships. We should be able to love who we want to love, and marry them, too. I believe we would be so much more enlightened in the world if more people were liberal and open-minded, rather than conservative and closed-off. Empathy and vulnearability are the only thing that can heal people, and the people can’t begin to heal the country or the world until they are no longer broken themselves. I believe in humanism before patriotism. I believe concert halls, museums, libraries, and the like are far more crucial to a nation than churches ever will be. I believe in the inherent dignity of EVERY HUMAN BEING on the planet, and not just in those who think, act, look, and talk like me. I now fully wear my liberal humanism badge with honor; unashamed. America has yet to fully heal itself. What business do we have trying to heal other nations? Black people had to fight for freedom in this country, women had to fight for our right to vote and own property and bank accounts, and gay people are still fighting for the right to be married. A nation’s health and well-being is determined by the health and well-being of its people; period. You want to be a beacon of shining light for the world? Then stop telling the world you’re better than they are. Start having real confidence and stop faking it. People can tell the difference. Confidence is quiet and reassuring. Insecurities are so loud.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:14:52 +0000

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