I am officially in denial...our baby girl is 11 months old today! - TopicsExpress


I am officially in denial...our baby girl is 11 months old today! I cannot even fathom that in one short month she will be ONE! Sheesh. So, denial: I put about 15 things in my cart on Etsy and havent purchased a single thing for her birthday, I have no idea where I will get a cake for her, I havent the slightest clue what she will wear for her first birthday photos (which I havent even scheduled yet)...I could blame the holiday season for my major procrastination, but really I think Im just not ready to accept that my baby isnt going to be a baby for much longer! Anna is so full of life with such a sweet smile that literally melts my heart. At 11 months old she is only 14 lbs 5 oz (still not on the growth chart), but she is army crawling all over the house and working hard at crawling on her hands and knees. She loves to clap and shake her head no. She wants nothing to do with her baby toys, but loves her brothers cars and dinosaurs. Her brothers are her favorite form of entertainment, and they are so good with her too! Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers! Her first birthday is a BIG deal to our family. The risk of a sudden cardiac arrest decreases substantially when an infant with cardiomyopathy reaches their first birthday. Needless to say, February 8th will be a very emotional day for us! It is her birthday, the anniversary of her diagnosis, and an amazing milestone for her HEART. Enjoy the many faces of Anna from her 11 month birthday today! :) :) If you cant tell, she is not a fan of the headband! :)
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 02:09:24 +0000

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