I am on a mission! Please share this because I really want to find - TopicsExpress


I am on a mission! Please share this because I really want to find these people and say thank you! Yesterday while visiting with my dad who is a quadriplegic paralyzed from his chest down told me a story that horrified, upset and made me so very sad but glad there are still caring people out there. My dad likes to go for walks in his chair down the road and just see things. He lives in the country on a paved road North of a little town called Heaperia here in MI. He went to the next road Gale road and turned down it and meandered down the road towards a lake called Campbell Lake. He his very careful and when he noticed two vehicles coming from both sides he got his chair off the road as far as he dared so he wouldnt get hit and so they wouldnt be swerving or cause an accident. Well in doing this he swatted at deer flies and inadvertently hit the controls on the arm of his chair and it sent him down in the ditch and he fell out of his chair. Neither of the vehicles stopped to help him wether they seen him or not we dont know. He laid there in the ditch for quite a long while and tried so hard to get people to stop and he was scared and upset. Because he couldnt do anything his chair was too heavy to flip and even if he could he couldnt get into it. FINALLY a young couple stopped and helped him! They drug his wheelchair up the embankment and then drug him up the embankment and put him in his chair. He was so upset he didnt even realize that he had lost his glasses somewhere in the ditch. He and his sister Luanne went back up there (in a vehicle) and luckily she found his glasses. There are other things to this story that only the couple will know. My dad is so very important to me and I love him dearly. He is a Vietnam vet and he has survived so much through his life but if that couple wouldnt have stopped and helped him.... I cant bear to think of would could have happened. So PLEASE share this story because I want to find them and tell them thank you so very much for stopping and helping my dad in his time of great need! They dont know how grateful I am to them. Thanks!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:31:10 +0000

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