I am on an airplane right this moment heading to NYC for a - TopicsExpress


I am on an airplane right this moment heading to NYC for a business trip. In less than 20 hours I will be back home so it is a quick trip. While in my hotel tonight I hope to shoot the next video for you guys with the Q&A and some cool EVPs. While looking through messages I have had quite a few of you asking me about something... So many have asked me if I have been approached or am doing a Paranormal TV show. I will say that I have been approached by 6 production companies who produce TV shows for all of the networks as the networks are looking for new and exciting ghost shows for next season. I have done video interviews and all of the pre-qual type of stuff. It has been fun. BUT, I am not so sure I want a TV show. I mean, I do if it is done correctly but I am not like most who will do whatever is asked just to be on TV. I have been on TV before and the lure of fame does not entice me to break my beliefs and honesty. The problem is that 70% of the TV producers want ratings, which is how they make money, so that is to be expected. But in order to get that many want to fabricate evidence and make it a guaranteed hit with outlandish nonsense and staged segments. After speaking with these production companies I was let down by how most reality TV works as it is not reality at all. With that said, I did end up with ONE production company that I did in fact sign an agreement with. One who would allow me to do my thing how I do it every day, or so it seems anyway. I explained that there is no need to fake anything when it can be documented for real. So I may or may not be doing a TV show..it is in the works and now being shopped and sold to a network. Many think TV shows bring fame and fortune but this is so far from the truth! There really is no money to be made unless you have a few successful seasons yet there is massive time involved in doing the shows. In any case, I will only do a TV show if I can do it in a REAL way without outlandish overacting and with full respect for the spirits who I record and document. If I can show the world that yes, this is real and it is indeed 100% possible to communicate with those who have passed. It would need to be groundbreaking but real, and yes, I feel this can be accomplished. The problem is that the networks are looking for demon oriented shows for 2015, and I refused to do a demon hunting show as that is all nonsense designed to scare and create ratings. My show would consist of helping others to connect with their loved ones but also recording them, maybe even getting a photo of them and attempting to help them cross if they have not yet done so. So if it all works out and can be done in ways I agree with, you may just see this happening in 2015 (It takes a LONG time to get a show idea up, sold, produced, aired). If it does not work out then I am fine with that as well as I am thrilled and happy to just do what I do here for all of you. I do not do this for money (never made a dime doing this but have spent thousands) and I do not do this for fame. I do this for one reason only..because it is indeed real and indeed fascinating. It is groundbreaking and quite special to have a connection with the other side and I hope to continue on this path as this path has opened my eyes to some amazing things that I never believed to be possible. As always I thank all of you for your support and friendship!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 15:16:28 +0000

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