I am one the survivors of the AIDS epidemic - now living 17 years - TopicsExpress


I am one the survivors of the AIDS epidemic - now living 17 years beyond my death sentence. I was one of the fortunate ones to be put on drug trial testing of the new cocktail when diagnosed in 1997 with full blown AIDS. Kathy my sweet wife and I have been on this journey together for our whole married life and I am again fortunate to have such a brave, loving and committed hero by my side. She never became infected with the virus and for this we a thankful. I am looking forward to reading other survivors stories - I know all these stories will be full of sorrow, but AIDS survivors have an amazing knack of making the best of what little they have left after the disease has robbed everything from them - And what AIDS hasnt killed in the survivors body and mind - societys narrow mindedness removes the remaining glint hope. Society needs an occasional reminder that this is still a huge problem. I hope this article moves people to be aware that we still dont have a cure for AIDS - it is still an epidemic and those who are on the cocktails struggle with bureaucratic dead ends for assistance and go poor trying to afford their life saving medicine. So please read and support any good cause to help with AIDS awareness and assisting those who are surviving a life sentence of living with AIDS.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:25:27 +0000

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