I am packing tonight ! Yay . There seems to be more British - TopicsExpress


I am packing tonight ! Yay . There seems to be more British chocolate than clothes so far though . GIFTS i hasten to add . Not for me . Got the final of TRANNY ACADEMY to get through first . Its gonna be a big one at SHACK tomorrow night . Outfit and hair sorted and waiting . DRAG QUEENS OF LONDON are filming it all of course and also filming my departure at the airport on Friday . Gonna feel a right fool going through customs with a film crew . LOL . On a serious note though i think people are getting their knickers in a twist a bit early about this show . I have already said what i have to say about the characters taking part . I think it will be a lot of fun but no one needs to feel insulted or threatened by it . All our lives will carry on after it is aired and no one is going to be hurt by it , particularly those who are not in it . I for one will Carry on as usual . As will they . There is room for everyone and it is not gonna change life as we know it . LOL . I have 3 theater shows and a club to run after it goes out , and all the working ladies have their own stuff to do . Take it all with a pinch of salt and lets not fall out about it . I am kind of over it now , in a good way of course . New things to do and new challenges to rise to . The cream always rises to the top so none of us have anything to worry about by it . We are doing a big preview party at JoJos for the first episode . I wont be there however . I will be in Kyoto relaxing so hope to miss whatever the reactions are . Its done now (almost) so lets see what happens next . On that note ............... PACKING ! Laterz.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:58:57 +0000

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