I am paraphrasing some information that a friend emailed me - TopicsExpress


I am paraphrasing some information that a friend emailed me tonight. This info comes from reliable sources. Parentheticals are mine. Some of it you may already know... (1) Commissioners are feeling positive about the TDZ plans that Lipscomb presented to them. Its being presented to the lawyers to see about the financing,etc. (2) the Commissioners are feeling that the development would be good for Memphians and would bring in a lot of tourist money. (3) This person didnt know if the Cooper-Young business association is supporting this plan. However, the TDZ plan includes Cooper-Young and Overton Square. (Has anyone asked them which side they are on here?) As far as the Mid-South Coliseum is concerned, there are TWO MAIN REASONS why the Commissioners are NOT feeling positive about saving it right now... 4) The non-compete with Fed Ex Forum. Check this out...the proposed NEW facility would NOT be included under the non-compete, but the Coliseum is included regardless, EVEN IF RENOVATED. Therefore, we must overturn the non-compete. (I know, this is completely absurd). 5) The cost to bring the Coliseum up to ADA compliance would be in the millions of dollars (...but who has presented figures other than Lipscomb? Why cant this job be bid on by any contractor?) And this...(6) If you want to propose not demolishing the coliseum, your only chance of getting some of the commissioners on board with a concrete idea or alternative plan for the building would be a presentation of specs, design, usage, as well as a financing model. Something specific. Leigh Davis Jordan Danelz Laura SullivanPrez RogersGene BuehlerDean Balding BaxterRobert Jethro Wyatt Lorae Thompson Mesmery BlakeScott SchaefferMike Mccarthy
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 04:22:48 +0000

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