I am paraphrasing the views of Dharma Kumar, a noted historian, on - TopicsExpress


I am paraphrasing the views of Dharma Kumar, a noted historian, on Hindutva Ideology (source patriots and partisans - by RC Guha) ***Hinduism never had its own ideology. It often mimicked the values/mores/practices of its major adversary.*** His arguments makes sense, the mutt culture started in Hinduism only after it was started by Buddhists and Jains. The practice of ahimsa gained currency after it was made popular by jainism. The Buddhist practices have been copied to such an extent that Buddha was made the 10th avatara of Vishnu. Same goes with the concept of Bhakthi, personal god etc etc. Fast forwarding to the current period, he makes a very interesting observation. He says the RSS views of Hindu rashtra is also a way of copying the (perceived) main adversary. He draws a parallel between RSS calling all people in India Hindus, same as an Islamic country calling all its citizens muslims. And all muslims living in India are to be treated as Dhimmi and Kaffirs (sub-swamys views seem to be exactly this!). Arjun Ravindra Sumanth Raghuprakash Shravan Dath Sodha
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 20:21:02 +0000

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