I am pausing from an article Im writing and wishing to express - TopicsExpress


I am pausing from an article Im writing and wishing to express something following an influx of abuse online from a very angry man whom Ive never met….I havent been trolled online before, though my son Louis has. It was awful and affected him deeply psychologically. So I guess what I want to say is that over the last 8 years I have encountered all kinds of healers (who see themselves as such), shamans, osteopaths,yoga teachers…..I have learnt a lot about the body and also that so much is a mystery. I am work in progress….. One thing has become blindingly clear though; anyone who generalises or prescribes a practice or fixed approach as a solution is not someone to trust. Also, for the first time today I completely understood why locking any joint is dangerous and traumatic for the body and persona. I knew this but didnt understand it anatomically. There is a lot of spiritual arrogance (and charleton energy in Brighton, -and in the world of yoga/physical practices generally) Gary Carer, Ru, Steve Bracken-all criminals yet stating they are healers and shamans -ick! And it is very very ugly. Its not far from al the religious wars and the arrogance we experience contaminating our planet globally now. What am grateful for are the the deep connections with souls who have bought me back to life, inspired me, by being open hearted, wise and honest. I am so glad to have met Steve Palmer who is WAY beyond any body worker I have been treated by, to my wise female friends who dont talk frothy hippy wank to me , to those who have managed not to project onto me , to random strangers who and display kindness wisdom and compassion in a grounded way (and restore my faith in humanity). And to my husband for being himself, discerning, heart led and bloody grounded. And for my close friends whom I have known a long time (Marc Woolford , Emma Gatsby, Nicola Wright, you are goldust)! I now wish to chose more wisely . Over last year I have discovered that many of my friendships were based on slippery foundations, and have chosen to let go of them. This hasnt always gone down well:( I think sickness and facing mortality foreshadows this filtering of whom you chose to influence your energy.By this I mean you face your own vulnerability so deeply it becomes extremely important,( especially when you are also primary carer to a very poorly child.) So today I honour my humanity, imperfection, history, wisdom and discernment,even if those I chose to let go of react strongly. I grew up around abuse , this led me to become a dance and movement therapist and later a psychotherapist. My wounds and journey are what make me able to work with people deeply, and I love my work. Why people eve think that when you are not working as a therapist you should behave as if you are in the room being therapist is beyond me. Todays online abuse was in fact a gift-he showed me what I need to get strong, clear and discerning around when it comes to whom i allow into my life. FB included. Social media is a powerful tool. Light and dark. My god I am glad I grew up before the internet existed….
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:09:04 +0000

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