I am posting because the strangest thing happened a little - TopicsExpress


I am posting because the strangest thing happened a little earlier. My uncles dog, a very well mannered German Shepherd, and I went outside and I let her do her business. I thought she did all of it because she went to a certain area that she does it, and for the right amount of time. Well after a few minutes of watching her sniff around the back yard in the dark aimlessly, we went inside. I will also mention there is a little male dog loose out right now roaming the streets but he knows not to go in my yard. He just sniffs around front yards as far as I have seen. Plus my uncles dog barks and alerts to other animals. Which she didnt do this time. About 20 minutes later she started whining and here I am thinking she can hear that little dog outside, so I try to ignore her. But she keeps pestering me, and finally I got up and walked directly to the room between the front door and back door and let her make the choice. If she wanted out front, she was out of luck but if she wanted out back, I would consider letting her out a little later because she just was outside and I knew she did her business. Or so I thought.... So I asked her what she wanted. After a few minutes of seeing her look at me like I was an idiot, she put her paws on the top of her kennel and looked at her ball. She did a small bark. Normally she cant see this ball, it is on a pillow on her kennel that is taller than her and she only knows the ball is there because she sees me put it there. So I grab the ball and she runs to the back door. I opened the back door and she immediately went out and did a steamy additional heap of her business HA HA. The amazing thing to me is this: She performed a task that required complex thought of cause and effect. She knew that if she had her ball, I would know she wanted out. But in order to get to her ball, she would have to remember where I put it last night and it wasnt visible to her unless she was above her kennel. I am amazed at this dogs intelligence!!! Me and my wifes dog Killer, she is totally passive aggressive ha ha. She either wants attention or food and all she does is bark or cry to get her way but she doesnt make an attempt to communicate that I know of. But Sadie... she has taught me that she is more than an animal. She is a participant and she can and WILL communicate complex thoughts and perform actions to convey them thoughts. WOW...
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:42:34 +0000

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