I am posting the entry of my friend Kevin Roberts from LA. - TopicsExpress


I am posting the entry of my friend Kevin Roberts from LA. Thanks, Kevin! He has provided the same sentiment that I posted in another FB conversation where a gentleman thought that Ferguson, MO was an isolated incident and that the Black folks should stop protesting and they were warned by police NOT to protest, thus they got what they expected. Here is Kevin Roberts posting: OK HERE you go to my Friends that think police abuse of power is just an isolated instances and that they have just cause to KILL an UNARMED Black teen here is a video that openly shows cops deciding to take away the civil rights of a young White teen because they felt like it.... So you can choose to ignore it now and it will be at your doorstep VERY SOON! Benjamin Franklin said: Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are ...... To my friends living in inner cities time to GET EDUCATED and fight for your rights intelligently and not physically or with cursing and yelling which only escalates a situation, you already know you are a target so dont play into it. If you know the game is stacked against you & you cant win ... the only SMART choice is to refuse to play the game! .... Keep those cameras rolling and it is something at the end of this video to catch the officers talking amongst themselves that he knows his rights and that that dog search was illegal.... Something has to be done about law enforcement they are here to protect and Serve not harass bully and kill!!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:31:37 +0000

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