I am posting this again, (as the elections are nearing), to - TopicsExpress


I am posting this again, (as the elections are nearing), to remind all my friends in Hidalgo County to vote NO to proposition 1 I am writing this to all and everyone of my friends to understand this UNFAIR PROPOSITION 1, This Proposition affects each and everyone of us. If you are paying $10,000 in property tax this year , be prepared to pay $18,000 in the coming years. This is Robbery of the middle class in one of the poorest, the most corrupt and the most mismanaged counties in the country. I do not understand the Republicans or Tea Baggers or limited Govt. supporters mind. They want all the benefits and always fight against tax increase but yet, some of them are welcoming this tax increase .They are like the folks that say I want the Govt. out of my life but dont touch my Social Security or Medicare. The other day I saw a bunch of people wearing buttons supporting this Proposition 1, for the Hidalgo County. These people had no clue or knowledge pertaining to this proposition. But since their mind is being controlled by someone else, they become Robotic in their behavior, It is one thing to please your bosses and another to understand the proposition in detail and watch your personal / Societies interests But when you go into that booth and draw the curtain, please vote your conscious. I would advise everyone to get educated before chopping the tree you are sitting on. For personal gains our crooked politicians, dubiously removed the 10 cents cap the Hospital District had since 1960; and had placed it on the state wide ballot on 2013. Even if whole of Hidalgo County had voted on this, there was no chance for its failure as it was statewide, a subject that affected only Rio Grande Valley . This vote has been the most unfair in Texas History. Our politicians sold us for their own personal gains . Before the above named proposition, Hidalgo County had to pay only 10 % of indigents healthcare. But by removing this 10 cent cap, the County is liable for 100% of indigents healthcare Now, Senator Chuy Hinojosa & the likes of his PAC of politicians and greedy hospital industry is spending hundred s of thousands of dollars to spread false and dubious propaganda as HEALTHY HIDALGO COUNTY. to fool the tax payers and are literally forcing the uneducated public to vote in favor of this proposition. They are trying to undo the mistakes they made during proposition 8 of 2013. Thereby personally benefitting both times. Mission Mayor Is the only Hidalgo County politician who is opposed to this TERRIBLE, UNFAIR, EXPENSIVE & FOREVER TAX BURDEN, THAT WILL AFFECT ALL FAMILIES IN RIO GRANDE VALLEY.. Please, watch this video, analyze it; and make your decision keeping your familys finances in mind. You are about to be burdened with a super heavy Tax Please , forward this video and this letter of mine to all your friends if you think I am right We should not under any circumstances allow this to materialize. VOTE AGAINST THIS UNFAIR PROPOSITION 1
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:42:04 +0000

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